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Book (stand-alone)Thesaurus alignment for Linked Data publishing 2012
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No results found.As part of the publication of the AGROVOC thesaurus as Linked Data (LD), AGROVOC is now mapped with six well-known thesauri in the agricultural domain, i.e., EUROVOC, NALT, GEMET, STW, TheSoz, RAMAEU. To find matching candidates, known matching algorithms discussed in the literature and available from public API were used. Results were evaluated by a domain expert, and almost total precision obtained. The candidate matches that were confirmed have already been added to the LD version of AGROVOC. Moreover, the owners of two of the thesauri mapped with AGROVOC have included in their data the mapping we identified. From this work, we conclude that we achieved our goal to enhance the Linked Data. -
MeetingJoint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Eighty sixth meeting. Food Additives. List of substances scheduled for evaluation and request for data: ADDENDUM to the JECFA Call for data published on 22nd June 2017. Now Published 01 September
Geneva, 12 to 21 June 2018.
2017Also available in:
No results found.Attached is an addendum to the list of substances in Annex 1 (pt. 1.3 -Toxicological evaluation, exposure assessment and establishment of specifications for certain flavouring agents and pt. 1.4 Revision of specification for certain flavourings) scheduled for evaluation or re-evaluation at the 86th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). This addendum contains a list of flavouring agents for evaluation or re-evaluation at the 86th meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Exp ert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) in addition to the food additives already mentioned in the call for data published on 22 June 2017. The list has been prepared by the Joint FAO/WHO Secretariat of the Committee and is based on recommendations of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA), previous Expert Committees, and direct requests from governments, other interested organizations, and producers of substance s that have been evaluated previously. -
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