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FAO as a Knowledge Organization

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    AGROVOC 1: Data sharing, interoperability and knowledge organization systems 2023
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    In this publication the principles and benefits of data sharing and interoperability have been introduced. The FAIR principles have been highlighted, with their context in data sharing frameworks. Openness in the context of data has been explained. Different types of vocabularies have been noted, along with the role of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) in the data management and sharing framework. To be useful, data need to be open and interoperable. The Open Data Scheme and the FAIR principles describe the level of “openness” of vocabularies. Different types of vocabularies exist, which differ by their level of expressiveness. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) model uses triples of subject – predicate – object to build a vocabulary. AGROVOC is a KOS based on RDF.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Smart Organization of Agricultural Knowledge
    The example of the AGROVOC Concept Server and Agropedia
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    The tendency of representing information in a form that could be better elaborated by computers (the so called “machine readable formatâ€Â) (Berners-Lee 1998) initiated years ago, expanded to many domains, among which Agriculture. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The Kasetsart University and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur are pioneers in the representation of information and knowledge related to this domain using modern techniques such as ontology languages . This paper analyzes a couple of projects developed by these organizations, aiming to make use of a concept-oriented approach while describing agricultural topics. It is organized in two chapters each referred to each project, describing in particular the innovative aspects, the benefits, and the technology used.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Microplastics in fisheries and aquaculture: status of knowledge on their occurrence and implications for aquatic organisms and food safety 2017
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    This technical paper will contribute to take stock of the scientific knowledge available on microplastics in fisheries and aquaculture. It will provide information on the most likely pathways in terms of sources, transport and distribution in both marine food chains and seafood value chains and will provide a framework to assess the risks that may (or not) affect commercial fish stocks and consumers, as well as review current practices and limitations of microplastic sampling techniques.

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