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Nigeria: FAO Nigeria Country Programming Framework 2013-2017: At a Glance

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    Nigeria: FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Federal Republic of Nigeria 2013-2017 2013
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) which opened the Nigeria Representation Office in 1978 has been providing unabated support to the country in the formulation and implementation of policies, strategies, programmes and projects in food, agriculture and natural resources that aim to improve food security and nutrition in a broad-based, equitable and sustainable manner and reduce poverty. In providing this assistance, FAO has always focused on enhancing the livelihood of smallholders, who form the bulk of the rural poor, in a way that is technically, economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. FAO's current field programme in Nigeria is guided by the National Medium Term Priority Framework (renamed to Country Programming Framework, CPF) covering the programming cycle for 2009-2012. Because the programming cycle ended in December 2012, the Government of Nigeria formally requested FAO to initiate the preparation of another round of CPF that will further consolidate the achievement of the on-going Nigeria economic transformation agenda. This new CPF for Nigeria describes FAO’s medium term assistance priorities and results, derived from nationally defined priorities and objectives, to be achieved over the five-year period of the country’s programming cycle (2013-2017).
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    Angola: Food and Agriculture Organization Angola Country Programming Framework 2013-2017 2012
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    This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out priority areas to guide FAO’s partnership with and support to the Government of Angola (GoA), bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during the five years 2013 – 2017. The CPF was prepared following extensive consultation with the government and development partners during 2012. The CPF puts an emphasis on sustainably increasing food security and nutrition by building in stitutional and smallholder capacities in production, the sustainable management of natural resources while at the same time increasing the resilience of rural livelihoods to climatic shocks and threats.
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    Yemen: FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) Republic of Yemen. FAO-Yemen 2013- 2017 2017
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    The CPF will serve as a basis for addressing the main priority areas and national strategic objectives agreed with the government and the development community and will also serve as the main framework that reflects FAO interventions in line with FAO’s mandate as expressed in the corporate Strategic Objectives, Sub-regional and Regional Priorities and the priorities agreed by the UN Country Team (UNCT) and the government in the UNDAF and MDGs in order to restore the country's economy. The formul ation process involved a review of documents, field visits to a number of selected governorates, national workshops for stakeholders consultation, and various discussions with concerned agencies and donors. This process assisted in coming up with inputs for the situation analysis and in defining the Country Programming Framework.

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