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Angola: Food and Agriculture Organization Angola Country Programming Framework 2013-2017

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    Rwanda: Food and Agriculture Organization Country Programming Framework for Rwanda, 2013-2018 2017
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    The Country Programming Framework (CPF) is an approach adopted by FAO to empower countries in building institutional synergies and reinforcing their commitment towards improvement of the population’s livelihoods and food security. The FAO Rwanda CPF describes the four main priority areas with the key outcomes and outputs, including type of interventions that FAO will undertake1 .As detailed in the Result Based Management (RBM) matrix (Annex 2), the CPF bestows highest priority to improved food s ecurity and nutrition, emphasizing on the most vulnerable community members. Whereas, increased income through enhanced agricultural productivity, agri-business and value chain development with emphasis to private sector investment within key commodity value chains, and increased efficiency in agricultural information exchange amongst all stakeholders are respectively the second, third and fourth CPF priorities.
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    Zambia: Government of the Republic of Zambia and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Country Programming Framework for Zambia 2013-2015 2013
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    The CPF reviews the status of agriculture in Zambia and provides an analysis of sector-specific challenges and opportunities. Suitable areas for FAO intervention are identified and justified in accordance with FAO’s comparative advantages, GRZ priorities, UNDAF outcomes and FAO strategic objectives. It is supported by annexes, including i) CPF alignment with other policy documents and frameworks; ii) a results matrix; and iii) a matrix showing resource requirements. The process of developing CP F involved broad consultations with GRZ and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector including development partners. This process brought out areas of FAO’s comparative advantages which were reviewed to ensure alignment with agriculture sector national priorities.
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    Kenya: Food and Agriculture Organization Country Programming Framework for Kenya, 2014-2017 2014
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    The FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Kenya sets out priority areas to guide FAO’s partnership with and support to the Government of Kenya (GoK) at both national and county level, bringing together innovative international good practices and global standards with national and regional expertise for the next four years from 2014 to 2017. The CPF was prepared following extensive consultation with the GoK and Development Partners through both consultative workshops in 2011 and continuous bilateral discussion through 2012. In order to fully adapt to the devolved system of governance and incorporate emerging priorities, a further consultative workshop was held in early 2014 which resulted in the addition of an outcome on research, innovation and advocacy as well as better definition of outputs and activities throughout the document. The workshop also enabled FAO to clearly define a strategy for engaging with the counties. The CPF puts an immediate emphasis on reducing poverty and hunger in line with Millennium Development Goal 1 (MDG) 11 and building a more sustainable and competitive agricultural system that will contribute to the GoK’s goal of building a food secure and prosperous Kenya through a commercially-oriented and competitive agricultural sector. The impact of the CPF will be a more competitive and productive agricultural sector and increased food security for Kenyans which will contribute to the achievement of the overarching goal of the CPF which is the erad ication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in Kenya.

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