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Southern Africa Regional Assessment for the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources

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    Near East Regional Assessment for the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources 2010
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and several development partners are working together with countries to prepare Voluntary Guidelines that will provide practical guidance to states, civil society, the private sector, academic and research institutions, donors and development specialists on the responsible governance of tenure. By setting out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices, the Voluntary Guidelines will provide a fram ework and point of reference that stakeholders can use when developing their own policies and actions. Regional consultations on the proposed Voluntary Guidelines are an important part of the process. They bring together regionally representative, multidisciplinary groups to assess regional priorities and issues that should be considered when the Voluntary Guidelines are drafted. The regional consultation for the Near East and North Africa was organized by Birzeit University, hosted by th e University of Jordan under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Ali El-Ghzawi, Minister of Municipal Affairs. The consultation was attended by 42 experts from 11 countries (Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates) who brought a rich and extensive range of expertise derived from their experience in the public sector, private sector, civil society and academia. The workshop provided an opportunity for the participants to discuss their ideas and share their experiences which led to the formulation of common conclusions reflecting the region’s specificities and its related priorities.
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    Eastern and Anglophone Western Africa Regional Assessment for the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources 2010
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    The Eastern and Anglophone Western Africa Regional Assessment meeting was organized by a task force consisting of FAO, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, African Land Policy Initiative, the United Nations World Food Programme, United Nations Development Programme, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme officials in Ethiopia. The meeting was hosted by UN-ECA and overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Develo pment Ethiopia and it was made possible by funding from the UN-HABITAT’s Global Land Tool Network and financial support from the Government of Germany and IFAD. The workshop was the 9th in a series of others held in Southern Africa (Namibia), Asia (Viet Nam), Europe (Romania), Near East and North Africa (Jordan), Latin America (Brazil), West and Central Africa (Burkina Faso), Pacific (Samoa), Central America and Caribbean (Panama) and one held for the private sector in the United Kingdom (L ondon). It brought together 51 participants from 13 countries in Eastern and Western Africa.
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    European Regional Assessment for the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources 2010
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    FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and other development partners are working together with countries to prepare Voluntary Guidelines that will provide practical guidance to states, civil society, the private sector, donors and development specialists on the responsible governance of tenure. By setting out principles and internationally accepted standards for responsible practices, the Voluntary Guidelines will provide a framework and point of reference that stakeholde rs can use when developing their own policies and actions. Regional consultations on the proposed Voluntary Guidelines are an important part of the process. They bring together regionally representative, multidisciplinary groups to assess regional priorities and issues that should be considered when the Voluntary Guidelines are drafted. The regional consultation for Europe was hosted by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, Romania, and was opened by Ms Irina Alexe, the Se cretary of State, Ministry of Administration and Interior. The consultation was cosponsored by the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, Romania; GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) and BMZ (Ministry for Economic Development), Germany; the World Bank and FAO. It was attended by 91 people from 28 countries and territories of the region who contributed their substantial knowledge and experience of the public sector, private sector, civil society and academia. Regional pa rticipants came from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

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