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FAO/IPCC Expert meeting on land use, climate change and food security

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    Financing for mangrove protection with emphasis on Pakistan, Thailand and Viet Nam 2016
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    This publication was prepared for the ‘Income for coastal communities for mangrove protection’ project (2015-2016) which aimed to develop a low-cost mechanism enabling investors to responsibly promote mangrove conservation, carbon emissions reduction and sustainable development through the provision of funding to local communities. This report reviews sources of funding for mangrove protection with particular focus on Pakistan, Thailand and Viet Nam. Because of the role of mangroves in climat e change adaptation, climate change mitigation and disaster risk management, sources of financing targeting these objectives are included along with financing sources aiming specifically at mangrove conservation and restoration.

    This is the first in a series of four publications intended to be used in conjunction in establishing sustainable financing for mangrove protection in Asia. The titles and links of the four publications are as follows:
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    Using Marginal Abatement Cost Curves to Realize the Economic Appraisal of Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Options
    Analytical Tools. EASYPol Module116
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    The AFOLU sector (Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use) is directly linked with climate change issues, on an environmental aspect as well as on an economical and social aspect (food security). Yet, while there is a wide range of technical solutions, it is not immediately apparent which options deliver the most economically efficient reductions in GHG within agriculture. This is why methodologies such as a Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (MACC) have been developed over these past twenty years. MACC als o enables the comparison of the cost-effectiveness of mitigation options between different sectors (e.g. agriculture, power, transport, industry and domestic energy consumption). MACC has become a useful tool for policy makers to prioritize mitigation options. This paper aims at putting forward a methodology to use MAC-curves within the AFOLU sector. It especially targets policy planners and policy makers. The agricultural sector, also called agriculture or AFOLU, encompasses farm-based activiti es (crop production, livestock) as well as forestry and land use. It does not include the downstream agro-industry sector. The first part of these guidelines explains the methodology in order to assess the cost-effectiveness and the mitigation potential of technical practices in agriculture. It also underlines the limits of the MACC approach. The second part looks at a practical MACC analysis example, using the EX-ACT tool.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Incentive allocation for mangrove protection 2016
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    Mangroves provide a wide array of benefits to coastal communities, including wood and non-wood forest products and a wide range of environmental services encompassing coastal hazard protection, erosion control, water filtration and bio-diversity conservation. Mangroves are also valuable in terms of climate change mitigation due to high rates of primary productivity and the large amounts of carbon contained within above- and below-ground biomass and mangrove soils. In spite of their many valu es, mangrove areas continue to diminish in size around Asia and sustainable financing for their protection has not been forthcoming.

    This publication guides the establishment of systems for allocating performance-based incentives to coastal communities in exchange for mangrove restoration and protection. It is aimed at potential financiers of mangrove restoration and protection including private entities, development organizations, government agencies and/or other proponents interested i n supporting long-term mangrove restoration and protection initiatives.

    This is the fourth in a series of four publications intended to be used in conjunction in establishing sustainable financing for mangrove protection in Asia. The titles and links of the four publications are as follows:

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