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World Forum on Urban Forests

Greener, healthier, and happier cities for all: a call for action

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Urban Food Environments and Green Spaces
    Improving people’s access to nutritious food and green spaces
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    Urban dwellers should be able to easily access nutritious food and green public spaces in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. Food-retail environments play a key role in shaping dietary practices. Access to parks and green areas give urban residents space for physical activity, reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases and promoting psychological wellbeing. Urban forests, trees and green spaces also contribute to climate-change resilience. The synergies of healthy food outlets and green spaces are not well reflected in urban planning and action, however. This initiative will assess the distribution of green spaces/green infrastructure and the food outlets in targeted cities to measure their accessibility, as well as their potential as a source of income generation. The results will support the implementation of accessible networks of green spaces and nutritious food outlets that promote physical activity and help people choose foods that lead to a healthier diet.
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    World Forum on Urban Forests : a call for action 2018
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    Whether we live in small or large cities, we all need healthy urban forests, trees and green space for our livelihoods, recreation, and, in general, for our well-being. Too often, the enormous value of urban trees and green spaces is forgotten in the rapid expansion of towns and cities. Now is the time to take global action to preserve these precious resources.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Urban forests: a global perspective 2023
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    Urban forestry is not a one-size-fits-all solution; each city and region, with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities, requires tailored strategies. In recognition of the diversity and distinctiveness of urban forestry issues and their potential for mitigating environmental and socioeconomic inequality across the globe, FAO has asked experts around the world to share their views on how urban forests and trees are perceived and managed in their respective geographical areas, bringing together a broad range of regional perspectives. The primary goal of this publication is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of urban forestry worldwide. By showcasing the regional perspectives, insights, experiences and case studies in urban and peri-urban forestry (UPF), we hope to inspire individuals, communities and policymakers to reimagine their relationships with urban green spaces.

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