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Advances in sea cucumber aquaculture and management

Lovatelli, A. (comp./ed.); Conand, C.; Purcell, S.; Uthicke, S.; Hamel, J.-F.; Mercier, A. (eds.) Advances in sea cucumber aquaculture and management. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 463. Rome, FAO. 2004. 425p.

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    Sea cucumbers - A global review of fisheries and trade 2008
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    This paper reviews the worldwide population status, fishery and trade of sea cucumbers through the collection and analysis of the available information from five regions, covering known sea cucumber fishing grounds: temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere; Latin America and the Caribbean; Africa and the Indian Ocean; Asia; and the Western Central Pacific. In each region a case study of a “hotspot” country or fishery is presented to highlight critical problems and opportunities for the sustain able management of sea cucumber fisheries. The hotspots are Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Seychelles, the Galapagos Islands and the fishery for Cucumaria frondosa of Newfoundland in Canada. Together they provide a comprehensive and up-to-date evaluation of the global status of sea cucumber populations, fisheries, trade and management, constituting an important information source for researchers, managers, policy-makers and regional/international organizations interested in sea cucumber cons ervation and exploitation.
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    The state of world fisheries and aquaculture - 1994 (SOFIA) 1995
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    This report reviews the state of world fisheries and aquaculture in 1994, with particular attention to developments since 1989. Following consideration of world fish production and growth in demand for fish, marine fisheries production and issues are addressed in detail. Problems of fleet overcapacity and overinvestment in marine capture fisheries, leading to an unsustainable impact on resources, are highlighted. An analysis of inland capture fisheries and aquaculture is presented, noting that aquaculture will be expected to play a greater role in the food security equation in future. Fish utilization and the fish trade are reviewed. The report also provides a regional analysis of supply and demand prospects. It ends with an outlook on the prospects of satisfying global demand for food fish to the year 2010.
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