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Strengthening coherence between social protection and agricultural interventions - The case of Mali

Dao, T.H. 2021. Strengthening coherence between social protection and agricultural interventions - The case of Mali. Rome, FAO.

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    Strengthening coherence between social protection and productive interventions – The case of Lesotho 2021
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    Social protection has been recognized as a key strategy to address poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion in Lesotho. As a result, the Government, with support from UNICEF and the European Union, developed the Child Grants Programme (CGP), which provides unconditional cash transfers to poor and vulnerable households registered in the National Information System for Social Assistance (NISSA). The quantitative impact evaluation presented in this report seeks to document the welfare and economic impacts of CGP and SPRINGS on direct beneficiaries and assess whether combining the cash transfers with a package of rural development interventions can create positive synergies at both individual and household level, especially in relation to income generating activities and nutrition. This paper is being published in the context of a partnership between FAO, IFAD and the Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES) and its Centro de Estudios en Desarrollo Económico (CEDE) based in Bogotá, Colombia.
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    Strengthening coherence between agriculture and social protection: Ghana country case study report 2016
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    This study forms part of seven country case studies carried out as part of the FAO project “Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection”. Ghana was selected as one of the countries because of its emerging social protection agenda and the presence of a now well-established National Social Protection Strategy, along with the growing importance at policy level attached to issues of coherence and coordination. The study in Ghana followed a common approach and framework set out as part of the country case studies, and involved looking at the context (including policies and programmes), coordination and outcomes. This was carried out through a combination of an initial desk-based review, which involved reviewing key documents covering development strategy, agricultural and social protection policy and research papers. A two-week in-country data collection exercise was then carried out, involving a number of key informant interviews (KIIs) with various ministry staff and development partners (donors) and focus group discussions with local communities (FGDs).1 At the end of the data collection period, key informants from the national level were invited to a validation workshop held in Accra at the FAO Ghana Office, where the emerging findings were presented and discussed. The study involved looking across both the agricultural and social protection spheres at the national and subnational levels.
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    Strengthening coherence between social protection and productive interventions
    The case of Zambia
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    The aim of this study is to explore the distributional impacts on poverty and income of two programmes in Zambia, the Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programme and the Conservation Agriculture Scale-Up (CASU) project, complementing the impact evaluation findings by Prifti & Grinspun (2019). These programmes target different parts of the population but are partly overlapping; they aim to influence poverty and food security through different channels. In the World Food Programme (WFP)’s HGSF modality, school feeding or provision of free meals for schoolchildren is complemented with procurement of food used for the meals from local smallholders. The purchase scheme aims to provide market access for smallholders, hence improving income stability and incentives to invest, ultimately increasing their productivity and reducing poverty. The objectives of school meals alone are improvement in schoolchildren’s nutrition as well as improvement in school attendance and hence human capital accumulation. Conservation agriculture (CA) consists of production methods that reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climate risks and improve productivity. The CASU programme promoted the use of such methods among smallholders through training and demonstration and provision of inputs, aiming for adoption of more sustainable farming which increases farm productivity in the long run.

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