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Implementation of a Certified Smallholder Supply Chain and Test Marketing Traceable Free Range Chicken: I. Methodology

Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: A Living from Livestock

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    Village chicken production system in rural Africa - household food security and gender issues 1998
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    This publication presents the results of a field study on village chicken production and health and an analysis of their importance in household and national economies. The research was carried out under an FAO André Mayer Research Fellowship, granted to scientists whose research inputs may contribute to FAO's global work towards improved food security. Poultry is viewed within FAO's Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) as a crucial element in the struggle for sustained food production and poverty alleviation. In rural Africa, the poultry production systems are mainly based on scavenging indigenious chickens, which are found in virtually all villages and households. Over 70 percent of the poultry products and 20 percent of the animal protein intake in most African countries come from this sector. The author, with over 20 years experience in agricultural research and development in rural farming systems of Africa, promotes a holistic multidisciplinary approach to rural poultry production, embracing institutional and organizational capacity building. Gender issues are strongly emphasized. A model for village chicken production systems is presented, and the text is supported by a comprehensive review of the global literature on the subject. The study confirms that enhanced village chicken production forms the basis for transforming the rural poultry sector from subsistance to a more economically productive base. The material is particularly pertinent to countries par ticipating in the SPFS, where village chicken production will have a special impact in increasing household food security and gender equity.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Safety Certified Free-Range Duck Supply Chains Enhance both Public Health and Livelihoods
    APHCA Research Brief No. 12‐01
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    Greenhouse gas emissions from pig and chicken supply chains – A global life cycle assessment
    A global life cycle assessment
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    The livestock sector is one of the fastest growing subsectors of the agricultural economy, and faces several unprecedented and concomitant challenges. The sector needs to respond to the increasing demands for livestock products that are arising from population growth and changing consumer preferences. It also has to adapt to changes in the economic and policy contexts, and in the natural environment upon which production depends. At the same time, it has to improve its environmental performanc e and mitigate its impact on climate. The pig sector is the biggest contributor to global meat production, with 37 percent in 2010. Chicken meat accounts for about 24 percent. Global demand for pig meat, chicken meat and chicken eggs are forecast to grow by 32 percent, 61 percent and 39 percent respectively during the period 2005-2030. If the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions intensities (emission intensity; or the kg of GHG per kg of product) of these commodities are not reduced, the increa ses in production required to meet demand will lead to proportionate increases in GHG emissions. Improving our understanding of where and why emissions arise in livestock supply chains is an important step towards identifying ways to improve efficiency and reduce emissions intensity. This report presents a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the GHG emissions arising from pig and chicken supply chains. It provides a detailed analysis of emissions according to region, sector and systems of product ion. In addition to informing efforts to reduce GHG emissions, it is hoped that the assessment will also help inform public debate on this important subject.

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