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Integrated Home and School Gardens for Food Security in Myanmar - TCP/MYA/3505

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    Promoting Home and School Gardens in Bangladesh, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Nepal and Timor-Leste - TCP/RAS/3509 2019
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    Nutrition, food security and the elimination of hunger as a meansto achieve overall economic development are priority issues in Asiaand the Pacific, and there is growing recognition of the influence ofnutritional status on schoolchildren’s health, growth and development.One of the easiest ways to ensure access to a healthy diet is foodproduction in home or school gardens, which can further contributeto combatting hunger, poverty and illiteracy. Although many casestudies of school gardens show their contribution to reducing hungerand improving nutrition, a lack of support from national policies orstrategies has limited and scale and expansion of these practices.Therefore, as part of the Zero Hunger Challenge, this project aimedto develop sustainable, practical and replicable models for schoolgarden-based learning and home gardens in Bangladesh, the LaoPeople’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Nepal and Timor-Leste.
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    Support for Increased Access and Availability of Fresh Local Food Through Development of Urban, Peri-Urban and Backyard Gardening - TCP/STK/3601 2020
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    Saint Kitts and Nevis is a net importer of food, although a significant portion of the fresh produce currently importedby the country can be grown locally. The critical food and nutrition situation faced by the country relates to the four pillars of food and nutrition security: availability, access,consumption/utilization and stability. The developmentof sustainable food production systems and theelimination of all forms of malnutrition are the long-termgoal of the Government in this priority area. Government policy is focused on the expansion of urban and peri-urbanagriculture in order to support national social protection programmes aimed at vulnerable pockets of the population. In this context, FAO assistance was requested to increase food access and availability via urban,peri-urban and backyard garden development. The project aimed to strengthen the capacity of DOA inthe training of backyard gardeners, school teachers and students to sustainably produce short-term vegetable crops, and the capacity of backyard gardeners, school teachers and students in both sustainable crop production and the development of good eating habits. These wouldbe achieved through the establishment of two backyard demonstration gardens (BDGs) and two school demonstration gardens (SDGs), one of each in selected communities of Saint Kitts and of Nevis, respectively. In addition, backyard and school gardeners would be trainedin best practices for crop production and their awareness raised of concepts of nutrition and better eating habits.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    A Vegetable Garden for All
    Manual “A Vegetable Garden for All" 5th edition
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    A Vegetable Garden for All is a self-instruction manual in family horticultural production, prepared originally by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, in support of the Technical Cooperation Network for Food Production. The objective of this manual is to present a technology suitable for family horticultural production and consumption. It is a manual for small-scale farmers, school teachers, children, and urban and peri-urban families with access to small plots of land. Better nutrition and better incomes can be achieved through families working in horticultural production. The Manual was first issued in 1990, and was used by several programmes, institutions and farmers’ groups. The second edition (2002) was focused on increasing food security and providing a balanced diet to disadvantaged farmers and peri-urban populations in Central America, within the framework of the Special Programme for Food Se curity (SPFS/PESA). This expanded, third edition (2009) has been developed within the framework FAO/MANA as an activity of project UTF/COL/027/COL. It provides a practical, methodological guide for setting up family gardens for the production of nutritious, safe food crops, thatcrops that would contribute fibres, minerals and vitamins to the diets of populations affected by food insecurity. It is a useful tool for all projects that work to improve the food security of rural, urban and peri- urban families. This 5th edition (2013) has been developed within the framework of the Zero-Hunger Challenge (ZHC) in the Caribbean. It is adapted to Caribbean conditions, using experiences from the ZHC pilot in Antigua and Barbuda during 2013.

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