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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO Regional Initiatives: Supporting member states to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
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    The Asia-Pacific region, despite impressive economic growth, is home to 490 million people still suffering from chronic hunger and it accounts for 62 percent of undernourished people in the world. Other trends and topics that need to be taken into account include population growth, urbanization and change of dietary patterns, issues of malnutrition and food safety, climate change and disaster risk, and unsustainable production and environmental degradation. Therefore, in order to achieve FAO’s mandate related to SDG Goals, there is a need for placing sustainable agriculture and food systems in the center of the agenda applying the five principles of sustainable food and agriculture. In this regard, FAO plans to undertake to support member states in achieving SDGs through five Regional Initiatives in 2018-19, notably Zero Hunger, Blue Growth, Climate Change, One Health, and the Inter-regional Initiative on SIDS for the Pacific, which obtained endorsement at the 40th Session of the FAO Conference in July 2017.
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    Report of the FAO workshop launching the Blue Growth Initiative and implementing an ecosystem approach to aquaculture in Kenya, Mombasa, Kenya, 27-31 July 2015 2016
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    This report describes the activities and outcomes of a workshop held in Mombasa, Kenya on 27-31 July 2015. Objectives of the event were i) launch the BGI in the country; and ii) conduct a training on the implementation of the EAA for the sustainable development of mariculture in Kenya. The second and third day of the workshop focused on a training module on the EAA, mixing lectures by the FAO technical team with extensive group “hands-on” work sessions and presentations. The subsequent parts of this report summarizes the discussions following the implementation steps, followed by the development of the roadmap for implementing EAA in Kenya’s aquaculture sector. The fifth day of the workshop was dedicated to training on conflict resolution and negotiation regarding use of space for aquaculture and other activities along the coastal zone The four days training activities were received with great interest and high level of involvement.
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    Legislating for sustainable small-scale fisheries
    A guide and considerations for implementing aspects of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication in national legislation
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    The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) are the first international instrument dedicated entirely to the small-scale fisheries sector. While the implementation of the SSF Guidelines will require legal and regulatory adjustments beyond national fisheries legislation to ensure political and legislative coherence and fully reflect the breadth of their provisions, the fundamental function of fisheries law in a sustainable use, management, and the development of small-scale fisheries is indisputable. Appropriate fisheries legislation provides the strongest possible framework for inclusive, participatory fisheries governance and resource management by providing a coherent basis for implementing and enforcing the SSF Guidelines and other related international and regional agreements and commitments. Legislation can therefore be a tangible way to support small-scale fishers, fish workers, and their communities and contribute to broader development goals, including the progressive realization of the right to food, poverty eradication, equitable development, and sustainable resource utilization. This document, Legislating for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries – A guide and considerations for implementing aspects of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication in National Legislation, is a tool for States to strengthen their fisheries legislation in order to establish conditions for inclusive and sustainable small-scale fisheries development, taking into account the interrelatedness of social, economic and environmental sustainability, while focusing on marginalized groups.

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