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A snapshot of gender affairs in the agriculture and rural sector (ARS) of Guyana

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    Country gender assessment of the agriculture and rural sector – Guyana 2023
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    In alignment with the FAO Policy on Gender Equality 2020-2030, the Assessment describes women’s and men’s specific roles and opportunities in agriculture, and explores the impact of existing gender inequalities on both women’s empowerment and rural development. Rural women are among the main contributors to food production and food processing in Guyana yet women’s access to both productive resources and services is limited. Furthermore, gaps between policy and implementation, and limited availability of sex disaggregated data and gender-sensitive indicators to inform sound policies and budgets have kept Guyanese women marginalized in many sectors. No baselines mean no measurement of progress in effectively implementing the array of commitments towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture, food security and nutrition, rural development and management of natural resources. In this Assessment, recommendations are formulated to progressively advance gender equality and support the empowerment of rural women through policy, programming, and organisational strengthening. Conducting an agriculture census and work to improve the systems of collection, production and analysis of age- and sex- disaggregated data pertaining to agriculture and rural development and promoting policy research and analysis to inform policies and strategic planning on gender equality and rural women’s empowerment are only some of the suggestions provided to improve the visibility of rural women’s contributions to their households and to the rural economy and address gender inequalities in the agriculture sector.
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    National Gender Profile for Gender and Rural Development - Somalia
    Country Gender Assessment - Africa
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    Gaps between policy and implementation, and limited availability of sex disaggregated data and gender-sensitive indicators to inform sound policies and budgets have kept women marginalized in many sectors. No baselines mean no measurement of progress in effectively implementing the array of commitments towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture, food security and nutrition, rural development and management of natural resources. This report reveals gender disparities in access to critical agriculture and rural resources, knowledge, opportunities, services and markets. It explores the existing gender relations and gaps in the various sub sectors of agriculture, and their possible causes and impact on food and nutrition security, and makes policy recommendations to address them.
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    Book (series)
    National gender profile of agriculture and rural livelihoods
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    Women account for about half of the agricultural workforce and over 63 percent of the rural female workforce is engaged in agriculture in Bangladesh (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics [BBS], 2018). Under the leadership of the Government of Bangladesh, the country has made significant progress towards gender equality and advancing the status of women and girls, particularly in education and health care. The country ranked fiftieth among 153 countries in the Global Gender Gap Report for 2020. Bangladesh has adopted many laws and policies to promote gender equality, including the National Women Development Policy 2011. Gender inequality continues to manifest in forms of gender-based discrimination, which includes restrictive social norms, access to and control over resources, barriers to accessing services and involvement in decision-making processes. Beyond the burden of unpaid care work, the lack of economic empowerment is a massive loss for Bangladesh’s economy, which could otherwise benefit from the equal participation of women. FAO recognizes the centrality of gender equality in its mandate to achieve food security for all by raising levels of nutrition, improving agricultural productivity, natural resource management and improving the lives of rural populations. The FAO Policy on Gender Equality 2020–2030 aims to advance equality of voice, agency and access to resources and services between women and men in sustainable agricultural production and rural development, identifying gender mainstreaming and women-targeted interventions as a two-fold strategy.

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