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Regional seafarming resources atlas: v. 2

Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project

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    Regional seafarming resources atlas
    Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project
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    One of the main objectives of the UNDP/FAO Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project (RAS/86/024) is to formulate guidelines for the establishment of national management systems for rational and orderly development of the seafarming industry in the region. To achieve the objective of establishing such systems, a coordinated and integrated approach involving various disciplines and sectors of the national economy is required for identifying and assessing seafarming development pot ential, formulating regulations to protect and control seafarming activities, and resolving conflicts among users of coastal resources. The identification and assessment of the potential of seafarming resources is a prerequisite for seafarming development planning. Coastal resources mapping through conventional field surveys integrated with the use of remote sensing and geographical information systems, where appropriate, will serve as an essential tool for the planning of coastal resources ma nagement and utilization. This Regional Seafarming Resources Atlas represents the first phase of a sequential process to develop national coastal resources management atlases and information systems. It provides a broad overall view of the seafarming industry in the region, represented by seven East Asian countries participating in the Regional Seafarming Project. It presents progressive production data, culture methods, areas of culture, yields per culture units, status and constraints of all major marine species commercially cultured in the region. The national small-scale maps portray the various seafarming practices and culture systems, and the distribution of the major marine species groups (e.g. finfish, molluscs, crustaceans, seaweeds and others) which are commercially cultured.
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    Mission report. FAO Seafarming Resources Atlas (RAS/86/024), Asia
    Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project
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    The consultant team members would like to express their appreciation to Chen Foo Yan and his staff at the Network of Aquaculture Centres of Asia (NACA) for their generous assistance, advice and hospitality. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the patient support and guidance of Hassanai Kongkeo and Alessandro Lovatelli who, in turn, escorted us throughout the mission. The meeting itineraries within each country were coordinated to a large extent by the national FAO or NACA/Seafarming P roject representative; to all of them we owe a debt of gratitude. Thanks also to the personnel (too many to acknowledge individually, but listed in Appendix I) from numerous departments and agencies who provided us with the invaluable information and data which form the basis of this mission report. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the financial support and encouragement of the Fishery Resources and Environment Division of FAO in Rome, the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and, withi n Canada, the provincial governments of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the Land Registration and Information Service (LRIS) of the Council of Maritime Premiers, and the Champlain Institute.
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    Allocation of fishery resources
    Proceedings of the Technical Consultation
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