Report of the mission on Egyptian fisheries administration, 8 October - 7 November 1978 Eddie, G.C.;Ferraresi, F.
dc.coverage.spatial Egypt 1979 2018-01-10T07:14:51.0000000Z
dc.description.abstract The Egyptian fishery industry has much undeveloped potential, especially in aquaculture, and there is a very strong domestic demand for its products. There is also much scope for reducing costs of production. The present fisheries administration is fragmented and lacks coordination. It does not possess the organizational structure necessary to carry out many of the tasks it should perform if it is to serve, develop and regulate the fishery industry so as to fulfil its potential. The present admi nistration also lacks senior staff with appropriate professional qualifications and with the knowledge and experience of the unusually complex industry that are necessary if legislators and administrators are to receive sound advice. It is difficult to identify a corporate legal personality capable of handling international assistance funds including development loans. A Mission was arranged as the result of a request by the Government to FAO, and formed part of the activities of the FAO/UNDP In dian Ocean Programme. The present report presents the findings and recommendations given by the Mission staff.
dc.format.numberofpages 26
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher FAO ;
dc.rights.copyright FAO
dc.title Report of the mission on Egyptian fisheries administration, 8 October - 7 November 1978
dc.type Document
fao.edition 1
fao.identifier.jobnumber N1404E
fao.subject.agrovoc research institutions
fao.subject.agrovoc fishery management
fao.subject.agrovoc marine fisheries
fao.subject.agrovoc inland fisheries
fao.subject.agrovoc cooperative activities
fao.subject.agrovoc Indian Ocean
fao.visibilitytype LIMITED GLOBAL
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