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FAO's 30 years in China (1982-2012)

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    联合国粮食与农业组织在华  30年 (1982-2012)
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    联合国粮食与农业组织旨在通过国际努力创造一个没有饥饿与 营养不良的世界,使粮食和农业能够以一种经济、社会和环境 可持续发展的方式为提高世界人民,特别是贫困人口的生活水 平做出贡献。 作为一个有着13亿人口的发展中国家,中国一直以来高度重视 粮食和农业的发展。自1973年中国恢复了在粮农组织的合法席 位以来,中国与粮农组织一直保持着密切的合作关系。1982 年,即中国进入“改革开放”初期,粮农组织驻华代表处宣布 成立。
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO Outlook Study On Wood Based Panels Production, Consumption And Trade In The Asia Pacific Region - 1996 To 2010 - China Section Study On China's Wood-Based Panel Market Outlook For The Years 2000-2010
    Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study: Working Paper No: APFSOS/WP/40b
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    This study analyses the status quo of market demand and supply of various wood-based panel products in China, and applies statistics to undertake qualitative outlook analysis, quantitative status analysis and simulated projection for the trend of demand and supply in China's wood-based panel market up until 2010.
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    People's Republic of China: Country Programming Framework 2012-2015 for People's Republic of China 2012
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    The CPF reviews existing Chinese Government priorities vis-à-vis past and ongoing FAO interventions to identify the gaps in and future potential for FAO assistance. The CPF provides a framework mechanism and evaluation modality for both the Government of China and the FAO to build on their successful working relationship to date and to further develop and harness this cooperative effort to ensure that the Chinese agricultural sector reaps the maximum potential benefits from this cooperative rela tionship. The CPF also provides FAO, other UN agencies and international development partners with guidance on FAO‟s agreed priorities with the Government in support of China‟s agricultural and rural development. The CPF also serves as a basis for universities, private enterprises, cooperatives, rural communities and farmers to effectively understand and develop working relationships and cooperation activities though the CPF process. The CPF is a living document, the contents of which will be ad justed over time taking into consideration the changing circumstances and needs of the country. The implementation of the CPF 2012-2015 will be pursued in partnerships as broad as possible and in alignment with the joint efforts of the Government of China and FAO/external development partners for enhanced coordination and aid effectiveness.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    联合国粮食与农业组织在华  30年 (1982-2012)
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    联合国粮食与农业组织旨在通过国际努力创造一个没有饥饿与 营养不良的世界,使粮食和农业能够以一种经济、社会和环境 可持续发展的方式为提高世界人民,特别是贫困人口的生活水 平做出贡献。 作为一个有着13亿人口的发展中国家,中国一直以来高度重视 粮食和农业的发展。自1973年中国恢复了在粮农组织的合法席 位以来,中国与粮农组织一直保持着密切的合作关系。1982 年,即中国进入“改革开放”初期,粮农组织驻华代表处宣布 成立。
  • No Thumbnail Available
    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO Outlook Study On Wood Based Panels Production, Consumption And Trade In The Asia Pacific Region - 1996 To 2010 - China Section Study On China's Wood-Based Panel Market Outlook For The Years 2000-2010
    Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study: Working Paper No: APFSOS/WP/40b
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    This study analyses the status quo of market demand and supply of various wood-based panel products in China, and applies statistics to undertake qualitative outlook analysis, quantitative status analysis and simulated projection for the trend of demand and supply in China's wood-based panel market up until 2010.
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    People's Republic of China: Country Programming Framework 2012-2015 for People's Republic of China 2012
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    The CPF reviews existing Chinese Government priorities vis-à-vis past and ongoing FAO interventions to identify the gaps in and future potential for FAO assistance. The CPF provides a framework mechanism and evaluation modality for both the Government of China and the FAO to build on their successful working relationship to date and to further develop and harness this cooperative effort to ensure that the Chinese agricultural sector reaps the maximum potential benefits from this cooperative rela tionship. The CPF also provides FAO, other UN agencies and international development partners with guidance on FAO‟s agreed priorities with the Government in support of China‟s agricultural and rural development. The CPF also serves as a basis for universities, private enterprises, cooperatives, rural communities and farmers to effectively understand and develop working relationships and cooperation activities though the CPF process. The CPF is a living document, the contents of which will be ad justed over time taking into consideration the changing circumstances and needs of the country. The implementation of the CPF 2012-2015 will be pursued in partnerships as broad as possible and in alignment with the joint efforts of the Government of China and FAO/external development partners for enhanced coordination and aid effectiveness.

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