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Sustainable Management of the Fall Armyworm in Africa

FAO Programme for Action 6 October 2017

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    Sustainable Management of the Fall Armyworm in Africa 2017
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    FAO and many development and resource partners have joined forces to coordinate a response to the new threat of the Fall Armyworm in Africa. The coordinated work will take place at many levels, from that of the smallholder farmer, to that of national level authorities who make vital policy and programme decisions. The Framework for Partnership for the Sustainable Management of Fall Armyworm in Africa is divided into seven components: 1.Management of FAW: Immediate Recommendations & Actions 2.Sho rt-term Research Priorities 3.Medium to Long-term Research 4.Communications & Training 5.Surveillance & Early Warning 6.Policy & Regulatory Support 7.Coordination
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    Briefing note on FAO actions on Fall Armyworm in Africa 2017
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