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Data compendium on safety at sea in the IDAF (Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries) central region, Liberia, Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, 1991-1997

Gallene. J., Data Compendium on Safety at Sea in the IDAF Central Region, 998 Liberia, Ghana, Benin et Nigeria, 1991-1997. Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa. IDAFIWP/131. 16 p.

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    La stratégie de développement pendant les années 60 et 70 était basée sur la philosophie selon laquelle les pays en développement manquaient de technologie perfectionnée et de capitaux pour accélérer leur développement. L'industrialisation était donc promue dans le but de tirer profit des abondantes ressources halieutiques alors disponibles. Cependant, l'essor économique escompté n'a pas eu lieu et l'approche de développement s'est tournée vers une stratégie rurale intégrée où l'accent est mis sur la communauté tout entière. Cela visait à améliorer les revenus et la qualité de vie à travers l'assistance technique et la participation active de la population de pêcheurs et de la communauté.
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    Development strategy during the 196O and 1970s was based on the philosophy that Developing countries lacked improved technology and capital for speeding up their development industrialization was promoted in order to capitalize on the abundant fish resources. However. the anticipated expansion of the economy did not happen and the development approach shifted towards an integrated rural strategy where emphasis is put on the community as a whole to upgrade incomes and the quality of lif e through technical assistance and the active participation of fisherfolk and the community.
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    Ad Hoc Technical Meeting on Artisanal Fisheries Craft, Propulsion, Gear and Security in the IDAF (Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries) Region, 25-28 September, 1989 1989
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    With financial assistance from Denmark and Norway, and in collaboration with the Peoples Republic of Benin, the Fisheries Department of FAO is implementing in West Africa a programme of small scale fisheries development, commonly called the IDAF Project. This programme is based upon an integrated approach,involving production, processing and marketing of fish, and related activities;it also involves an active participation of the target fishing communities.This report is a working paper and th e conclusions and recommendations are those considered appropriate at the time of preparation, The working papers have not necessarily been cleared for publication by the government Cs)concerned nor by FAO. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the Prolec:t and issued later in other series. The designations employed and the presentation of material do not imply.the expression of any opinion on the part of FAO or a financing agency concerning th e legal status of any country or territory, city or area, or concerning the determination of its frontiers or boundaries.

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