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Achieving Blue Growth. Building vibrant fisheries and aquaculture communities

Building vibrant fisheries and aquaculture communities

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    The FAO Blue Growth Initiative: Strategy for the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Eastern Africa 2018
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    As part of FAO’s Blue Growth Initiative (BGI) the FAO Member Countries of the Eastern Africa Sub-Region met to agree on a strategy for the Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture within the Blue Growth Initiative in Eastern Africa (BGI Strategy). The BGI is an FAO flagship initiative that aims at supporting more productive, responsible and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sectors by improving the governance and management of the aquatic ecosystems, by conserving biodiversity and habitats, and by empowering communities. The BGI is the sustainable growth and development emanating from economic activities in the oceans, wetlands and coastal zones that minimize environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and unsustainable use of living aquatic resources, and maximize economic and social benefits. The Strategy includes 11 over-arching development objectives that are common to fisheries and aquaculture in marine and freshwater environments: 1)To enhance governance and management of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems; 2) To improve global and intra and inter trade and marketing of fish and fisheries products; 3) To enhance production efficiency with reduced impacts on the environment; 4) To create an enabling environment for the private sector and social support; 5) To facilitate people involved in fisheries and aquaculture to utilize resources and to also play an active role in protecting and safeguarding these resources for the benefit of future generations; 6) To conserve aquatic biodiversity and critical habitat; 7) To empower communities and make them resilient to natural and human induced impacts; 8) To enhance information and knowledge sharing, dissemination, collection and management; 9) To develop Intra-regional synergies in management of transboundary resources and transfer of technology 10) To strengthen intra and inter regional collaboration; and 11) To enhance research and innovation. In addition the Strategy contains specific objectives and actions to achieve them for inland fisheries, marine fisheries and aquaculture. The actions were chosen to also address the four streams of the BGI: i) capture fisheries; ii) aquaculture; iii) ecosystem services contributing to livelihoods; and iv) trade, markets, post-harvest and social support. The actions further embrace the principles of the Green Economy and will lead to Blue Production, Blue Communities and Blue Fora.
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    Blue Growth Initiative
    Partnering with countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
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    The Blue Growth Initiative (BGI) is FAO’s model for sustainably developing fisheries and aquaculture. The BGI differs from business as usual fisheries and aquaculture development, which historically focused on single interests, such as producing more fish for consumption or generating more income for livelihoods. The concept of Blue Growth is similar in many respects to that of the Blue Economy—a concept that came out of Rio +20—in that both center on the pillars of sustainable development: env ironmental, economic, and social. FAO uses the term Blue Growth to emphasize the need for growth in many Member States particularly in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The goals of the BGI are to maximize economic and social benefits while minimizing environmental degradation from these sectors. These goals are closely aligned with the 2030 agenda Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs). There is no one-size-fits-all approach the BGI. Blue Growth approaches remain flexible for different re alities, from tropical inland fisheries to Arctic coastal countries. The BGI framework for transitioning to blue growth consists of three phases: 1) creating enabling conditions; 2) implementing targeted interventions; and 3) mainstreaming. BGI developments highlighted herein provide concrete examples of Countries and communities who, with the support of FAO, are using this framework and beginning to see benefits. Implementation spans the three pillars of sustainable development, referred to her e as the following platforms: Blue Communities, Blue Production and Blue Trade.
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    Achieving Blue Growth through Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries 2015
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    The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, more commonly known as the Rio Summit, was instrumental in focusing international attention on achieving sustainable development, with a new interest in safeguarding our natural resources for future generations. The resulting shift in public debate prepared the way for a long-discussed improved integration of conservation and environmental considerations into fisheries management. The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries was drafted, negotiated, and adopted by FAO member countries to serve this purpose. It served as the basis for the development of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture. The Code recognises the nutritional, economic, social, environmental and cultural importance of fisheries and aquaculture, and the interests of all those concerned with the fishery sector.

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