Support Marine Cage Culture Development - TCP/IRA/3702

dc.coverage.spatial Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2022 2022-07-25T14:14:38.0000000Z
dc.description.abstract The rapid decline in precipitation rates driven by climate change is adversely affecting aquaculture in the Islamic Republic of Iran The total exports from fisheries and the aquaculture sector are significant to the country’s economy and account for approximately one percent of overall national GDP This change in freshwater availability is leading the government to prioritize marine cage culture in order to supply the country with a healthy source of animal protein and an alternative livelihood The cage culture production potential for the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea is an estimated 300 000 150 000 and 450 000 tons respectively Notwithstanding the positive impacts associated with marine cage culture and their high production potentials, there are many hindrances to its development including insufficiencies in incentivising policies, management protocols, appropriate locally produced technologies and cages, machinery, marketing plans for cage culture production, relevant expertise and fingerling species Therefore, to address the aforementioned barriers, the project aimed to increased contribution to aquaculture production through sustainable management of marine cage culture and improve marine cage culture capacities.
dc.format.numberofpages 8
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher FAO ;
dc.rights.copyright FAO
dc.title Support Marine Cage Culture Development - TCP/IRA/3702
dc.type Project
fao.altmetricbadge No
fao.fourbetters A Better Life; Amélioration des conditions de vie; Una vida mejor; улучшение качества жизни; 更好的生活; حياة أفضل
fao.fourbetters A Better Nutrition; Amélioration de la nutrition; Una mejor nutrición; улучшение качества питания; 更好营养; تغذية أفضل
fao.fourbetters A Better Production; Amélioration de la production; Una mejor producción; улучшение производства; 更好生产; إنتاج أفضل
fao.fourbetters Better Environment; Amélioration de l'environnement; Un mejor medio ambiente; улучшение состояния окружающей среды; 更好环境; بيئة أفضل
fao.identifier.jobnumber CC1065EN
fao.placeofpublication Rome, Italy ;
fao.projectsymbol TCP/IRA/3702
fao.projecttitle Support Marine Cage Culture Development
fao.sdgs 09. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
fao.sdgs "14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
fao.subject.agrovoc cage culture
fao.subject.agrovoc cage nets
fao.subject.agrovoc fisheries
fao.subject.agrovoc fisheries development
fao.subject.agrovoc fisheries value chains
fao.visibilitytype PUBLIC PROMOTION
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