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Development of a small-scale feed mill and feed formulations for warm-water finfishes at the Fish Farming Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Cuzon, G. Sep 1985. Development of a small-scale feed mill and feed formulations for warm-water finfishes at the Fish Farming Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - Report to the Government. Rome (Italy). 19 p.

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    Fishpen plans and construction along the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia for the Fish Farming Centre in Jeddah. Report 1985
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    The Government of Saudi Arabia, assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is engaged in the Fish Farming Centre Project (FI: UTFN/SAU/010/SAU), with its main activities directed to freshwater and marine aquaculture. The Government has been exploring means of reducing the country's dependance on imported fish products and is assisting in the development of aquaculture as one of the sources for the supply of fish. The Third Five-year National Plan for Fisheries Dev elopment included the construction of the Fish Farming Centre (FFC) north of Jeddah to test various approaches to aquaculture. The shallow lagoon at the Fish Farming Centre appeared to be suitable for fishpen industry development and along the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia there are numerous other shallow lagoons similar to the one near the FFC. These sites could be fully developed if the fishpen system of acquaculture proves technically and economically viable in the Red Sea. In this regard, assistance is needed in planning and installing pilot demonstration fishpens at the FFC shoreline lagoon. FAO has been consulting with ORSTOM1 regarding assistance to the project in developing the fishpen system of aquaculture at the FFC and an agreement was reached to assist the Centre in construction/installation of a pilot fishpen module at the project site in Jeddah.
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    Project and facility review and implementation programme for 1985-86. Report to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1985
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    The Fish Farming Centre project (UTFN/SAU/010/SAU) demonstrates little productive progress for its four years of existence. This appears to be due to three factors, namely (1) the initial relocation of the site which caused some logistical difficulties but primarily established a lack of enthusiasm towards the project by the staff, (2) the lack of a well defined short-term programme with objectives attainable for an inexperienced national team, and (3) lack of well directed and determined leader ship by the expatriate staff. Of the three factors, the third has been the greatest constraint to the project, as firm leadership could have resolved the first two. With the present low level of project outputs and technical progress, the author opines that the project could be discontinued without any loss to the advancement of the art of aquaculture. However, it would be a loss to the country which has stated its intentions to assist the private sector to exploit suitable opportunities in aq uaculture. After reviewing (1) the facilities of the Fish Farming Centre, (2) the current aquaculture operations and past results with the project staff, and (3) the construction drawings for the proposed facility, the author has worked with the staff to draw up some well defined short-term goals to be fulfilled in the interim before the new facility is completed (about July 1986), and which can be continued with the new facility. These agreed immediate objectives are summarized below:

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