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Knowledge management for emergency and resilience programming

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    The role of knowledge management and learning for emergency and resilience programming. 2023
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    This educational video illustrates the role of knowledge management and learning in improving emergency and resilience programming and policy making. It is targeted at programme designers and managers, monitoring and evaluation officers, information management officers, and knowledge management professionals.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Developing a learning agenda to support emergency and resilience programming 2023
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    The course provides a plan for developing, sharing and using learning to inform and improve interventions aiming at tackling food crises and strengthening the resilience of agrifood systems. The course can help you embed knowledge management in your emergency and resilience work.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Resilient rivers: Watershed-based management of forests, freshwater, and inland fisheries. 2023
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    The course coaches learners to understand, monitor, and manage watersheds as integrated systems. Lessons begin with watershed function and then focus on forests, freshwater, and fisheries. In each case emphasizing interlinkages, spatial structure, seasonality, benefits to humans, and simple monitoring indicators. Project work in the upper Kafue River watershed, one of the headwaters of the Zambezi River in Zambia, and in the Magdalena and Atrato Rivers, Colombia, offer local perspectives and convincing case studies for understanding and managing on-the-ground conditions.

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