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Migration and Protracted Crises

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    Distress migration and youth in protracted crises 2016
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    This note focuses on the topic of distress migration and youth in protracted crises, and the possible solutions from the JFFLS approach, using case studies of FAO interventions. Migration is a common phenomenon in protracted crises, mainly resulting from displacement due to conflict, natural disasters and /or the deterioration of livelihoods. The challenges posed by migration are many: a disruption of food and nutrition security, increasing competition among livelihood groups, ever greater numbe rs of displaced young people exposed to the threat of both violence and radicalization, plus harmful impact on livelihoods in the countries of origin. However, migration also presents opportunities, including powerful drivers for sustainable post-conflict recovery, opportunities for host communities and young people as a dynamic force for rebuilding communities and peace. FAO’s Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) methodology in various countries with protracted crises has proven effecti ve in increasing the agricultural, business and life skills of young refugees, child soldiers and other vulnerable groups in protracted crises, and thus helping them to become more resilient, productive and active members of their communities.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Gender equality for resilience in protracted crises 2017
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    The webinar on gender equality for resilience in protracted crises was presented as part of a series of webinars organized between May and December 2016 by KORE - the Knowledge sharing platform on resilience- within the INFORMED programme and dedicated to sharing knowledge on resilience building. This series of webinars is the result of a collaboration between EU-DEVCO and FAO strategic programme on resilience. The objective is to improve the food security and nutrition of populations affected b y, or at risk of, protracted crises by addressing critical manifestations and building resilience; adapting to specific challenges; and contributing to addressing underlying causes. Among the 11 principles, there is a specific principle on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO Guidance Note: Child labour in agriculture in protracted crises, fragile and humanitarian contexts 2017
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    This note provides technical and operational guidance to stakeholders of the agriculture, food security and nutrition sector intervening in protracted crises, fragile and humanitarian contexts to ensure that children are not engaged in activities that could negatively affect their health, development or education, and are not employed in hazardous working conditions. It presents the basis to understand that agriculture, food security and nutrition programming in the aftermath of a crisis have po tentially both positive and negative effects on children. It also provides recommendations and concrete examples to address situations of child labour in agriculture in these contexts.

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