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Improving Capacity for Sustainable Fisheries Management in Eritrea - GCP/ERI/020/IFA

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    Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Western-Central Mediterranean - GCP/INT/028/SPA 2023
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    Phase II of the CopeMedproject was designed to build upon the results achieved during Phase I, which took place between 1996 and 2005. The main objective of the project, which was co-funded by the Government of Spain and the European Union, was to strengthen regional cooperation in support of the sustainable management of fisheries, in a region where marine fishing resources are shared among countries with different socio-economic, cultural and development levels. The strengthening of research and institutional capacities in participating countries contributed to the provision of better scientific advice. In cooperation with other FAO regional projects, and in collaboration with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the ultimate aim was to contribute to the sustainability of marine fisheries and of the ecosystem in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea, taking into consideration environmental, biological, economic, social and institutional issues in scientific advice to fisheries management. The participating countries were Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Spain and Tunisia.
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    Enhancing Fisheries Co-Management Capacities - GCP/GLO/046/ROK 2023
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    Problematic fisheries management hinders the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources. It has become clear during the last few decades that the user groups who use finite fisheries resources need to efficiently manage them to enable them to endure. The application of various policy tools with user groups to manage fisheries has gradually become a fundamental aspect of fisheries management and has led to the development of fisheries co-management regimes worldwide. In this context, fisheries co-management has been considered one effective solution to resource overexploitation and growing social/economic problems. While there is a substantial body of literature about co-management arrangements and outcomes, this information has yet to be brought together to create a coherent guiding framework with on-the-ground implementation supporting guidance. The overall objective of the project was to develop knowledge products that would support fisheries stakeholders and policy-makers in designing and implementing effective fisheries co-management arrangements for sustainable fisheries governance.
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    Enhancing Fisheries Management for Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources - GCP/INT/228/JPN 2023
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    Effective fisheries management is crucial to ensuring the long lasting social and economic benefits derived from the development of fisheries and related processing and marketing activities. The status of fisheries has been a major concern to the international community for more than two decades. Around a third of fish stocks shows signs of overexploitation, there are accelerating climate change impacts, and the aquatic environment is becoming degraded, leading to reduced socio economic and cultural benefits. While progress has been made in some areas, considerable efforts are still required to improve the situation of fisheries worldwide. Various global fora have called for action to enhance the sustainability of the fisheries sector. Against this background, the project aimed to strengthen the implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) at international, regional and national levels, and to support the development of relevant knowledge and tools to cope with threats, and/or to take advantage of opportunities related to climate change and other global drivers of change.

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