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Codex Alimentarius - Report of the Thirty-First Session

Geneva, 30 June - 4 July 2008

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Rapport de la trente et unième session
    Genève, 30 juin - 4 juilliet 2008
    La Commission du Codex Alimentarius a tenu sa trente et unième session au Centre International de Conférences à Genève (Suisse) du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2008. M. Claude J. S Mosha (Tanzanie), Président de la Commission, a présidé la session, assisté des Vice-Présidents, Mme Karen Hulebak (États-Unis d’Amérique) et M. Wim van Eck (Pays-Bas). Ont participé à la session 505 délégués de 138 États Membres, une organisation membre et 44 organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernement ales, dont des institutions du système des Nations Unies. La liste des participants, qui inclut les membres du Secrétariat, figure à l’Annexe I du présent rapport.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Informe del 31 período de sesiones
    Ginebra, 30 de junio - 4 de julio 2008
    La Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebró su 31º período de sesiones en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (Suiza) del 30 de junio al 4 de julio de 2008. Presidió el período de sesiones el Dr. Claude J. S. Mosha (República Unida de Tanzanía), Presidente de la Comisión, con la asistencia de los Vicepresidentes, Dra. Karen Hulebak (Estados Unidos de América) y Dr. Wim van Eck (Países Bajos). Asistieron al período de sesiones 505 delegados de 138 Estados Miembros y una Organización Miembro, así como 44 organizaciones internacionales gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, incluidos los organismos de las Naciones Unidas. La lista de los participantes, incluida la Secretaría, figura en el Apéndice I del presente informe.
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee 2011
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 23-25 August 2011, FAO Regiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, RAP Publication 2011/23, 35 p. This document presents the fil report of the Seventy-third Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held in Nha Trang, Viet Nam, from 23 to 25 August 2011. The APFIC Executive Committee’s main function is to direct the conduct of business and affai rs of the Commission between its biennial sessions and provide advice to the Secretariat. The APFIC Executive Committee at its Seventy-third session is composed of Viet Nam (Chairperson), India (Vice-Chairperson), Bangladesh and USA (Members), Republic of Korea (the former Chairperson) and the Secretary of the Commission (as an Ex-officio member). The agenda items discussed at the meeting were:  Inter-sessiol activities of APFIC Outcomes of the Third APFIC Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM ) and recommendations of the Thirty-first Session Intertiol fishery developments and recommendations of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Review of key areas for attention by APFIC and partner organizations Updating the APFIC strategic plan 2012-2018 Improving the effectiveness of APFIC’s role in the region APFIC budget APFIC ongoing workplan and preparations for the Fourth RCFM and arrangements for the Thirty-second Session of APFIC Date and place of the Seventy-fourth session of APFIC Exec utive Committee The Executive Committee endorsed a number of recommendations relating to the direction of APFIC and how to strengthen its function. In addition, the Executive committee noted several key areas for attention under the forthcoming workplan. The Executive Committee also advised on the preparations for the Fourth Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting and the Thirty-second Session of APFIC to be held in Da Nang, Viet Nam, in 2012.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Rapport de la trente et unième session
    Genève, 30 juin - 4 juilliet 2008
    La Commission du Codex Alimentarius a tenu sa trente et unième session au Centre International de Conférences à Genève (Suisse) du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2008. M. Claude J. S Mosha (Tanzanie), Président de la Commission, a présidé la session, assisté des Vice-Présidents, Mme Karen Hulebak (États-Unis d’Amérique) et M. Wim van Eck (Pays-Bas). Ont participé à la session 505 délégués de 138 États Membres, une organisation membre et 44 organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernement ales, dont des institutions du système des Nations Unies. La liste des participants, qui inclut les membres du Secrétariat, figure à l’Annexe I du présent rapport.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Informe del 31 período de sesiones
    Ginebra, 30 de junio - 4 de julio 2008
    La Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebró su 31º período de sesiones en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (Suiza) del 30 de junio al 4 de julio de 2008. Presidió el período de sesiones el Dr. Claude J. S. Mosha (República Unida de Tanzanía), Presidente de la Comisión, con la asistencia de los Vicepresidentes, Dra. Karen Hulebak (Estados Unidos de América) y Dr. Wim van Eck (Países Bajos). Asistieron al período de sesiones 505 delegados de 138 Estados Miembros y una Organización Miembro, así como 44 organizaciones internacionales gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, incluidos los organismos de las Naciones Unidas. La lista de los participantes, incluida la Secretaría, figura en el Apéndice I del presente informe.
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee 2011
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 23-25 August 2011, FAO Regiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, RAP Publication 2011/23, 35 p. This document presents the fil report of the Seventy-third Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held in Nha Trang, Viet Nam, from 23 to 25 August 2011. The APFIC Executive Committee’s main function is to direct the conduct of business and affai rs of the Commission between its biennial sessions and provide advice to the Secretariat. The APFIC Executive Committee at its Seventy-third session is composed of Viet Nam (Chairperson), India (Vice-Chairperson), Bangladesh and USA (Members), Republic of Korea (the former Chairperson) and the Secretary of the Commission (as an Ex-officio member). The agenda items discussed at the meeting were:  Inter-sessiol activities of APFIC Outcomes of the Third APFIC Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM ) and recommendations of the Thirty-first Session Intertiol fishery developments and recommendations of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Review of key areas for attention by APFIC and partner organizations Updating the APFIC strategic plan 2012-2018 Improving the effectiveness of APFIC’s role in the region APFIC budget APFIC ongoing workplan and preparations for the Fourth RCFM and arrangements for the Thirty-second Session of APFIC Date and place of the Seventy-fourth session of APFIC Exec utive Committee The Executive Committee endorsed a number of recommendations relating to the direction of APFIC and how to strengthen its function. In addition, the Executive committee noted several key areas for attention under the forthcoming workplan. The Executive Committee also advised on the preparations for the Fourth Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting and the Thirty-second Session of APFIC to be held in Da Nang, Viet Nam, in 2012.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Rapport de la trente et unième session
    Genève, 30 juin - 4 juilliet 2008
    La Commission du Codex Alimentarius a tenu sa trente et unième session au Centre International de Conférences à Genève (Suisse) du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2008. M. Claude J. S Mosha (Tanzanie), Président de la Commission, a présidé la session, assisté des Vice-Présidents, Mme Karen Hulebak (États-Unis d’Amérique) et M. Wim van Eck (Pays-Bas). Ont participé à la session 505 délégués de 138 États Membres, une organisation membre et 44 organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernement ales, dont des institutions du système des Nations Unies. La liste des participants, qui inclut les membres du Secrétariat, figure à l’Annexe I du présent rapport.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Informe del 31 período de sesiones
    Ginebra, 30 de junio - 4 de julio 2008
    La Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebró su 31º período de sesiones en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (Suiza) del 30 de junio al 4 de julio de 2008. Presidió el período de sesiones el Dr. Claude J. S. Mosha (República Unida de Tanzanía), Presidente de la Comisión, con la asistencia de los Vicepresidentes, Dra. Karen Hulebak (Estados Unidos de América) y Dr. Wim van Eck (Países Bajos). Asistieron al período de sesiones 505 delegados de 138 Estados Miembros y una Organización Miembro, así como 44 organizaciones internacionales gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, incluidos los organismos de las Naciones Unidas. La lista de los participantes, incluida la Secretaría, figura en el Apéndice I del presente informe.
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee 2011
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 23-25 August 2011, FAO Regiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, RAP Publication 2011/23, 35 p. This document presents the fil report of the Seventy-third Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held in Nha Trang, Viet Nam, from 23 to 25 August 2011. The APFIC Executive Committee’s main function is to direct the conduct of business and affai rs of the Commission between its biennial sessions and provide advice to the Secretariat. The APFIC Executive Committee at its Seventy-third session is composed of Viet Nam (Chairperson), India (Vice-Chairperson), Bangladesh and USA (Members), Republic of Korea (the former Chairperson) and the Secretary of the Commission (as an Ex-officio member). The agenda items discussed at the meeting were:  Inter-sessiol activities of APFIC Outcomes of the Third APFIC Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM ) and recommendations of the Thirty-first Session Intertiol fishery developments and recommendations of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Review of key areas for attention by APFIC and partner organizations Updating the APFIC strategic plan 2012-2018 Improving the effectiveness of APFIC’s role in the region APFIC budget APFIC ongoing workplan and preparations for the Fourth RCFM and arrangements for the Thirty-second Session of APFIC Date and place of the Seventy-fourth session of APFIC Exec utive Committee The Executive Committee endorsed a number of recommendations relating to the direction of APFIC and how to strengthen its function. In addition, the Executive committee noted several key areas for attention under the forthcoming workplan. The Executive Committee also advised on the preparations for the Fourth Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting and the Thirty-second Session of APFIC to be held in Da Nang, Viet Nam, in 2012.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Rapport de la trente et unième session
    Genève, 30 juin - 4 juilliet 2008
    La Commission du Codex Alimentarius a tenu sa trente et unième session au Centre International de Conférences à Genève (Suisse) du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2008. M. Claude J. S Mosha (Tanzanie), Président de la Commission, a présidé la session, assisté des Vice-Présidents, Mme Karen Hulebak (États-Unis d’Amérique) et M. Wim van Eck (Pays-Bas). Ont participé à la session 505 délégués de 138 États Membres, une organisation membre et 44 organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernement ales, dont des institutions du système des Nations Unies. La liste des participants, qui inclut les membres du Secrétariat, figure à l’Annexe I du présent rapport.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Informe del 31 período de sesiones
    Ginebra, 30 de junio - 4 de julio 2008
    La Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebró su 31º período de sesiones en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (Suiza) del 30 de junio al 4 de julio de 2008. Presidió el período de sesiones el Dr. Claude J. S. Mosha (República Unida de Tanzanía), Presidente de la Comisión, con la asistencia de los Vicepresidentes, Dra. Karen Hulebak (Estados Unidos de América) y Dr. Wim van Eck (Países Bajos). Asistieron al período de sesiones 505 delegados de 138 Estados Miembros y una Organización Miembro, así como 44 organizaciones internacionales gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, incluidos los organismos de las Naciones Unidas. La lista de los participantes, incluida la Secretaría, figura en el Apéndice I del presente informe.
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee 2011
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 23-25 August 2011, FAO Regiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, RAP Publication 2011/23, 35 p. This document presents the fil report of the Seventy-third Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held in Nha Trang, Viet Nam, from 23 to 25 August 2011. The APFIC Executive Committee’s main function is to direct the conduct of business and affai rs of the Commission between its biennial sessions and provide advice to the Secretariat. The APFIC Executive Committee at its Seventy-third session is composed of Viet Nam (Chairperson), India (Vice-Chairperson), Bangladesh and USA (Members), Republic of Korea (the former Chairperson) and the Secretary of the Commission (as an Ex-officio member). The agenda items discussed at the meeting were:  Inter-sessiol activities of APFIC Outcomes of the Third APFIC Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM ) and recommendations of the Thirty-first Session Intertiol fishery developments and recommendations of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Review of key areas for attention by APFIC and partner organizations Updating the APFIC strategic plan 2012-2018 Improving the effectiveness of APFIC’s role in the region APFIC budget APFIC ongoing workplan and preparations for the Fourth RCFM and arrangements for the Thirty-second Session of APFIC Date and place of the Seventy-fourth session of APFIC Exec utive Committee The Executive Committee endorsed a number of recommendations relating to the direction of APFIC and how to strengthen its function. In addition, the Executive committee noted several key areas for attention under the forthcoming workplan. The Executive Committee also advised on the preparations for the Fourth Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting and the Thirty-second Session of APFIC to be held in Da Nang, Viet Nam, in 2012.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Rapport de la trente et unième session
    Genève, 30 juin - 4 juilliet 2008
    La Commission du Codex Alimentarius a tenu sa trente et unième session au Centre International de Conférences à Genève (Suisse) du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2008. M. Claude J. S Mosha (Tanzanie), Président de la Commission, a présidé la session, assisté des Vice-Présidents, Mme Karen Hulebak (États-Unis d’Amérique) et M. Wim van Eck (Pays-Bas). Ont participé à la session 505 délégués de 138 États Membres, une organisation membre et 44 organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernement ales, dont des institutions du système des Nations Unies. La liste des participants, qui inclut les membres du Secrétariat, figure à l’Annexe I du présent rapport.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Codex Alimentarius - Informe del 31 período de sesiones
    Ginebra, 30 de junio - 4 de julio 2008
    La Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebró su 31º período de sesiones en el Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (Suiza) del 30 de junio al 4 de julio de 2008. Presidió el período de sesiones el Dr. Claude J. S. Mosha (República Unida de Tanzanía), Presidente de la Comisión, con la asistencia de los Vicepresidentes, Dra. Karen Hulebak (Estados Unidos de América) y Dr. Wim van Eck (Países Bajos). Asistieron al período de sesiones 505 delegados de 138 Estados Miembros y una Organización Miembro, así como 44 organizaciones internacionales gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, incluidos los organismos de las Naciones Unidas. La lista de los participantes, incluida la Secretaría, figura en el Apéndice I del presente informe.
  • Thumbnail Image
    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee 2011
    Also available in:
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    (2011) Report of the Seventy-third Session of the APFIC Executive Committee, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 23-25 August 2011, FAO Regiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, RAP Publication 2011/23, 35 p. This document presents the fil report of the Seventy-third Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held in Nha Trang, Viet Nam, from 23 to 25 August 2011. The APFIC Executive Committee’s main function is to direct the conduct of business and affai rs of the Commission between its biennial sessions and provide advice to the Secretariat. The APFIC Executive Committee at its Seventy-third session is composed of Viet Nam (Chairperson), India (Vice-Chairperson), Bangladesh and USA (Members), Republic of Korea (the former Chairperson) and the Secretary of the Commission (as an Ex-officio member). The agenda items discussed at the meeting were:  Inter-sessiol activities of APFIC Outcomes of the Third APFIC Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting (RCFM ) and recommendations of the Thirty-first Session Intertiol fishery developments and recommendations of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Review of key areas for attention by APFIC and partner organizations Updating the APFIC strategic plan 2012-2018 Improving the effectiveness of APFIC’s role in the region APFIC budget APFIC ongoing workplan and preparations for the Fourth RCFM and arrangements for the Thirty-second Session of APFIC Date and place of the Seventy-fourth session of APFIC Exec utive Committee The Executive Committee endorsed a number of recommendations relating to the direction of APFIC and how to strengthen its function. In addition, the Executive committee noted several key areas for attention under the forthcoming workplan. The Executive Committee also advised on the preparations for the Fourth Regiol Consultative Forum Meeting and the Thirty-second Session of APFIC to be held in Da Nang, Viet Nam, in 2012.

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