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Evaluation of FAO's work on reducing food loss and waste under Programme Priority Area "better nutrition 4"

Evaluation brief (EN)

Ficha de evaluación (ES)

Fiche d’évaluation (FR)

Annex 1. Terms of reference

Annex 2. Theory of change

Annex 3. Knowledge products review

Annex 4. Audience esitmation for knowledge products

Annex 5. Survey on capacity development for the Food Loss Index - SDG 12.3.1a

Annex 6. Analysis of PIRES Workplan Management data

Annex 7. Summary of country case studies

Annex 8. Matrix of findings, conclusions and recommendations

FAO. 2024. Evaluation of FAO's work on reducing food loss and waste under Programme Priority Area "better nutrition 4". Thematic Evaluation Series, No. 02/2024. Rome.

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