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Construction and installation of hexagonal wooden cages for fish farming: A technical manual

A technical manual

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    Book (series)
    Assemblage et installation de cages hexagonales en bois pour l'élevage de poissons
    Un manuel technique
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    Ce document est un guide pratique qui fournit la liste et les détails techniques des matériaux à  utiliser pour assembler une cage hexagonale en bois pour l'élevage de poissons, ainsi que son système d'amarrage, dans le cadre d'une aquaculture artisanale. Les instructions pour l'assemblage des différents composants sont illustrés en détail et les directives techniques pour l'installation sur le site d'élevage sont aussi décrites. Cet ouvrage propose également des indications pour s'orienter dans le choix du modèle de cage et des composants utilisés en fonction des caractéristiques du site (environnementales, logistiques et sociales). Les exigences physiologiques des espèces d'elevage sur incidence sur les performances d'élevage ont été également évaluées dans le but de fournir le maximum d'informations nécessaires à  la planification et à  la mise en place d'une telle activité. Ce manuel explique également qu'il est possible, à  travers le modèle de cage illustrée, d'exploiter des mili eux plus turbulents que ceux de l'aquaculture artisanale opérée traditionnellement. En fin de volume des annexes donnent des renseignements complémentaires sur les thèmes traités dans le texte.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 25–26 January 2009 2009
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    The Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development, held from 25 to 26 January 2009 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, was organized in view of the growing importance and interest of this aquaculture sub-sector across the region. The workshop focus was on environmental impact assessment and monitoring, and aquaculture licensing for marine aquaculture cage systems and aimed at identifying constraints and shortcomings that requi red to be dealt with to support the development of the cage industry and facilitate investments from the private sector. The document contains a set of suggestions and recommendations with regards to technical and policy requirements needed to support the growth of the aquaculture sector as a whole and more specifically cage fish farming. The report also contains three review documents on marine cage aquaculture in the region, regulation of Norwegian net-cage fish farming, and a review on cage a quaculture licensing procedures prepared as background discussion papers for the workshop. With specific regard to environmental impact assessment (EIA) the discussions held at the workshop clearly indicate that there is a need for the region and individual Commission members to develop an ad hoc EIA format based on the conditions of the local marine environment. A proposed cage aquaculture licence procedure was discussed and proposed at the workshop based on the format developed and adopted by the Sultanate of Oman.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture. Manila, the Philippines, 13–15 September 2010. 2010
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    The FAO Expert Workshop on “On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture” was convened in Manila, the Philippines, from 13–15 September 2010. The workshop was attended by a wide range of aquaculture researchers, development specialists and industrial experts from around the world. The workshop was convened by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Aquaculture Service (FIRA) and was hosted by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) based in Iloilo, the Philippines. The workshop was organized with three objectives: a) to review and analyze the existing knowledge on the application of feed management as a tool for reducing feed costs in aquaculture, b) to identify the major issues and constraints of feed management and those that need to be addressed and c) to prepare a list of recommendations to define/suggest the future course of action, including the preparation of technical manuals/guidelines for dissemination to farmers. The workshop convened both in plenary and in working groups. In the plenary, participants heard technical presentations intended to orient them to the issues and constraints pertaining to on-farm feeding and feed management. These presentations included invited reviews, case studies and synthesis of the case studies. Following several working group deliberations and a general plenary discussion, the participants identified seven primary issues that currently constrain feed use and management in aqua culture, namely: 1) limited access to information on feed and feed ingredients (availability, prices and quality); 2) poor feed preparation, processing, handling and storage at the farm level; 3) inadequate monitoring of feed and farm performances; 4) low impact of current dissemination strategies on improved feeding and feed management; 5) gaps in the understanding of the economic aspects of feed management; 6) health aspects and their implications on feed management; and 7) feed quality – lack of regulatory mechanisms. A comprehensive set of recommendations was developed to overcome the constraints that were identified, and it is anticipated that these recommendations will guide FIRA’s future work in this arena. The workshop proceedings and recommendations, invited reviews, case studies and syntheses will form the basis for an FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper entitled “On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture” which will be published in due course.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Assemblage et installation de cages hexagonales en bois pour l'élevage de poissons
    Un manuel technique
    Also available in:

    Ce document est un guide pratique qui fournit la liste et les détails techniques des matériaux à  utiliser pour assembler une cage hexagonale en bois pour l'élevage de poissons, ainsi que son système d'amarrage, dans le cadre d'une aquaculture artisanale. Les instructions pour l'assemblage des différents composants sont illustrés en détail et les directives techniques pour l'installation sur le site d'élevage sont aussi décrites. Cet ouvrage propose également des indications pour s'orienter dans le choix du modèle de cage et des composants utilisés en fonction des caractéristiques du site (environnementales, logistiques et sociales). Les exigences physiologiques des espèces d'elevage sur incidence sur les performances d'élevage ont été également évaluées dans le but de fournir le maximum d'informations nécessaires à  la planification et à  la mise en place d'une telle activité. Ce manuel explique également qu'il est possible, à  travers le modèle de cage illustrée, d'exploiter des mili eux plus turbulents que ceux de l'aquaculture artisanale opérée traditionnellement. En fin de volume des annexes donnent des renseignements complémentaires sur les thèmes traités dans le texte.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 25–26 January 2009 2009
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    The Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development, held from 25 to 26 January 2009 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, was organized in view of the growing importance and interest of this aquaculture sub-sector across the region. The workshop focus was on environmental impact assessment and monitoring, and aquaculture licensing for marine aquaculture cage systems and aimed at identifying constraints and shortcomings that requi red to be dealt with to support the development of the cage industry and facilitate investments from the private sector. The document contains a set of suggestions and recommendations with regards to technical and policy requirements needed to support the growth of the aquaculture sector as a whole and more specifically cage fish farming. The report also contains three review documents on marine cage aquaculture in the region, regulation of Norwegian net-cage fish farming, and a review on cage a quaculture licensing procedures prepared as background discussion papers for the workshop. With specific regard to environmental impact assessment (EIA) the discussions held at the workshop clearly indicate that there is a need for the region and individual Commission members to develop an ad hoc EIA format based on the conditions of the local marine environment. A proposed cage aquaculture licence procedure was discussed and proposed at the workshop based on the format developed and adopted by the Sultanate of Oman.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO Expert Workshop on On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture. Manila, the Philippines, 13–15 September 2010. 2010
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    The FAO Expert Workshop on “On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture” was convened in Manila, the Philippines, from 13–15 September 2010. The workshop was attended by a wide range of aquaculture researchers, development specialists and industrial experts from around the world. The workshop was convened by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Aquaculture Service (FIRA) and was hosted by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) based in Iloilo, the Philippines. The workshop was organized with three objectives: a) to review and analyze the existing knowledge on the application of feed management as a tool for reducing feed costs in aquaculture, b) to identify the major issues and constraints of feed management and those that need to be addressed and c) to prepare a list of recommendations to define/suggest the future course of action, including the preparation of technical manuals/guidelines for dissemination to farmers. The workshop convened both in plenary and in working groups. In the plenary, participants heard technical presentations intended to orient them to the issues and constraints pertaining to on-farm feeding and feed management. These presentations included invited reviews, case studies and synthesis of the case studies. Following several working group deliberations and a general plenary discussion, the participants identified seven primary issues that currently constrain feed use and management in aqua culture, namely: 1) limited access to information on feed and feed ingredients (availability, prices and quality); 2) poor feed preparation, processing, handling and storage at the farm level; 3) inadequate monitoring of feed and farm performances; 4) low impact of current dissemination strategies on improved feeding and feed management; 5) gaps in the understanding of the economic aspects of feed management; 6) health aspects and their implications on feed management; and 7) feed quality – lack of regulatory mechanisms. A comprehensive set of recommendations was developed to overcome the constraints that were identified, and it is anticipated that these recommendations will guide FIRA’s future work in this arena. The workshop proceedings and recommendations, invited reviews, case studies and syntheses will form the basis for an FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper entitled “On-farm feeding and feed management in aquaculture” which will be published in due course.

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