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Improving Marketing Conditions for Women Fish Vendors in Besant Nagar, Madras -BOBP/WP/66

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    The Organisation Of Fish Marketing In Madras Fishing Harbour - BOBP/WP/39 1985
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    This paper describes the marketing organization of a large fish landing centre (Madras fishing harbour) and describes in particular the role of women in the marketing business. Previous studies conducted by BOBP dealt with the role of women in marketing of fish at small village landing centres (see BOBP/WP/14 “Three fishing villages in Tamil Nadu’ and BOBP/WP/33 --“Factors that influence the role and status of fisherwomen”). The present study, carried out mid -1984, indicates that while the m odernization of fishing technology and fish transport noticed at a large landing centre has benefited some women by way of higher earnings or new earning opportunities, it has aggravated income disparities among fisherwomen.
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    Report of the Training Course for Fish Marketing Personnel of Tamil Nadu, Madras, India, December 3-14, 1979 - BOBP/REP/9 1980
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    This document is the report of a 12-day training course held in December 1979 for officials of Tamil Nadu state in South India who are concerned with fish marketing. The course was organised jointly by the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Fisheries and the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The report describes the conduct of the course, and discusses in detail the principal method of instruction adopted, the
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    Identifying Extension Activities for Fisherwomen in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, India - BOBP/WP/57 1987
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    This paper discusses the findings of a 1984 - 85 socio-economic study of fisherwomen in four coastal villages in Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. Its object was to identify pilot projects to upgrade the living conditions of fisherwomen in coastal villages. The study was conducted at the request of the Directorate of Fisheries, Andhra Pradesh. At the district level, the Collector extended his cooperation, and through him the services of block level officers, district development office rs and the Women and Child Welfare Department were obtained. Even at an early stage, the leading bank in Visakhapatnam shcwed a keen interest in the outcome of the study. The study was conducted jointly by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) and the Institute for Coastal and Offshore Research (INCOR), Visakhapatnam. The author owes thanks to Dr. R. V. Rama Rao, Director of INCOR; and to INCOR staffers Ms. Vaishnavi Chandrasekharan and Mr. Chanchala Gupta for their cooperation in planning and executing this study; and, of course, to the five investigators for their diligence and perseverence in data collection.

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