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Book (series)Dairy Development Programs in Andhra Pradesh, India: Impacts and Risks for Small-scale Dairy Farms 2006
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No results found.This is the 38th of a series of Working Papers prepared for the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative (PPLPI). The purpose of these papers is to explore issues related to livestock development in the context of poverty alleviation. Livestock is vital to the economies of many developing countries. Animals are a source of food, more specifically protein for human diets, income, employment and possibly foreign exchange. For low income producers, livestock can serve as a store of wealth, draught powe r, fuel and organic fertiliser for crop production and a means of transport. Consumption of livestock and livestock products in developing countries, though starting from a low base, is growing rapidly. -
Book (series)Livestock Production and the Rural Poor in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa States, India 2004
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No results found.This is the ninth of a series of Working Papers prepared for the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative (PPLPI). The purpose of these papers is to explore issues related to livestock development in the context of poverty alleviation. Livestock is vital to the economies of many developing countries. Animals are a source of food, more specifically protein for human diets, income, employment and possibly foreign exchange. For low income producers, livestock can serve as a store of wealth, provide dra ught power and organic fertiliser for crop production and a means of transport. Consumption of livestock and livestock products in developing countries, though starting from a low base, is growing rapidly. -
ProjectBaseline study for Training in Sea Safety Development Programme in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India, November, 1997 - January, 1998
Training in Sea Safety Development Programmes, India, IND/6712
1999Also available in:
No results found.Andhra Pradesh in India assumes an unfortunate distinction of facing maximum number of devastating cyclones among the states bordering Bay of Bengal. The delta areas of Krishna and Godavari had been more prone to it. The 1977 Diviseema cyclone was the most catastrophic in the recent history. The Cyclone of 6th November 1996 in East Godavari district was equally destructive. Total deaths and missing cases together were 2760 of which fisherfolk were 1435 apart from huge property loss. Though the c yclone prediction system could locate the cyclone, its actual path and intensity and the areas it would strike are probably not so predictable. Adding to that the cyclone warning dissemination system had many limitations by which the villagers or the fisherfolk in fishing areas did not get the messages in advance. FAO, Govt. of India and the Dept. of Fisheries, Andhra Pradesh Government, have proposed a pilot project to provide direct radio communication to the villages and fishermen at sea and to initiate appropriate sea safety measures and to study their effectiveness. Bhairavapalem & Balusutippa, the two worst affected villages during November, 1996 cyclone are hence proposed as pilot villages. Action for Food Production (AFPRO) took up the baseline study for F AO in this regard. The study aims_ at giving the basic details of the two pilot villages as well as the general account of the villages affected by November, 1996 cyclone, analysing the Cyclone Warning Dissemination System an d to make suggestions for improvement.
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