Anríquez, G., Foster, W. & Quiñonez, F. 2024. Levelling the farm fields: A cross-country study of the determinants of gender-based yield gaps – Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems. Rome, FAO.
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Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems
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No results found.Women in sub-Saharan Africa constitute almost half of the agricultural workforce, yet they are limited in their ability to access productive resources, such as land, water, improved seeds and fertilizers, and are subjected to discriminatory practices that hinder their productivity. While previous research has consistently identified a significant gender gap in land productivity, the literature lacks a comprehensive understanding of the gender gap in agricultural labour productivity. This paper's findings reveal varying gender gaps across the sampled countries, ranging from 47 percent in Nigeria and the United Republic of Tanzania to 2 percent in Ethiopia, which is the only country with no significant gender gap in labour productivity. On average, the gender gap amounts to 35 percent, with the largest portion (27 percent) attributed to the endowment effect. This background paper was prepared to inform Chapter 2 of FAO’s report on The status of women in agrifood systems. -
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The National Gender Profile for Serbia represents the first comprehensive and structured attempt to collect and analyze available secondary data across all sectors relevant to agriculture and rural livelihoods. It provides a profound analysis of gender issues in agriculture, food security, and rural livelihoods. By this, the assessment contributes to the existing body of knowledge on rural women's status, establishes connections between gender inequalities and agriculture and food security, and sustainable development in Serbia, and suggests areas for future work to responsible stakeholders and FAO. -
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No results found.The purpose of this Guide is to equip FAO and its partners with information on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) relevant to their work and provide practical guidance on how to design and deliver food security and nutrition programmes in ways that prevent and mitigate GBV and contribute to the protection of survivors and those at risk. In view of the Organization’s specific areas of competence in food security, nutrition, and agricultural livelihoods, this Guide will focus on GBV issues in this context. All staff should endeavour to understand the contents of this Guide and follow its recommendations to ensure FAO creates safe and sustainable livelihood opportunities that can truly build resilience. The Guide is a living document that will continue to evolve as FAO accumulates experiences and lessons learned in an ever-changing working environment.
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