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FAO GIEWS Special Alert 331 - Syrian Arab Rep , 14 March 2012

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    FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Syrian Arab Republic, July 2013 2013
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    Seasonal rainfall in 2012/13 was better than in any of the previous five years, especially in the northern cereal-producing governorates. „h Relatively less area was planted to cereals, compared to the last ten years. Contributing factors include high costs of production, reduced input availability including labour, prevailing violence, related damage to farm equipment, and abandoned land. The area under irrigated cereal production also declined significantly owing to power cuts, and damage to power stations, canals, and pumps; and high diesel costs. „h The supply chain of wheat is severely affected. Road transport is becoming increasingly expensive and is often unsafe, and less than one-third of the Government's wheat collection centres are operational. Most flour mills and bakeries are either no longer operating, or are operating at low capacity. Only 1 in 4 yeast factories is operational.
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    Special Alert No. 323 Parts of the Horn of Africa- January 2006 2006
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    Despite improved overall cereal harvests in 2005 in some countries of the Horn of Africa, recent severe droughts coupled with the effects of past and ongoing conflicts have put millions of people on the brink of starvation. Food shortages are particularly grave in Somalia where about 2 million people need humanitarian assistance. The food situation is also very serious in pastoral areas of northern and eastern Kenya, south-eastern Ethiopia and Djibouti. In the four Horn of Africa countries of So malia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia more than 11 million people are estimated to be in need of assistance.

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