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FAO in Türkiye

FAO. 2023. FAO in Türkiye. Ankara.

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    Türkiye food literacy strategy and action plan, 2022–2028 2023
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    With a view to expand studies on food literacy and increase their effectiveness, the food literacy project began in 2021. Under a technical cooperation framework, FAO and the Turkish Government have cooperated and developed the Food Literacy Strategy and Action Plan. Being one of the main outputs of the project, the the Food Literacy Strategy and Action Plan is aimed to support efforts to improve food literacy in Türkiye.
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    COVID-19 – Rapid impact assessment on the agrifood sector and rural areas in Türkiye 2023
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    This report assesses the impacts of the COVID-19 on the agrifood sector and rural areas in Türkiye. Taking a panoramic picture of the agrifood sector in the country during the COVID-19 period, the study portrays how the pandemic impact on agrifood chains, smallholders and rural economies in Türkiye. The report titled “COVID-19 Rapid Impact Assessment on Agri-Food Sector and Rural Areas in Türkiye” is an outcome of a joint study by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye. Besides assessments on how the pandemic has affected agrifood sector, the report presents policy recommendations for sector preparedness and response, and agricultural and rural resilience. Moreover, the report sheds light on the connection between its suggestions and the Sustainable Development Goals. Authors of this study aims to contribute to the COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact and Response Task Team (SEIRTT) in United Nations Türkiye, co-led by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Resident Coordinator’s Office. In thematic terms, the report supports efforts to analyse socio-economic dimensions of the COVID-19 in Türkiye. Moreover, the report sets the basis for further institutional engagement with Government and other relevant partners and stakeholders in the short to medium term with respect to agriculture and food sectors.
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    Gender mainstreaming in agriculture and food security: FAO Türkiye’s experiences 2021 2022
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    FAO Türkiye, in line with its overall mandate, supports the Turkish Government in close collaboration and synergy with line ministries, UN agencies, international organizations, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector to strengthen three priority areas: food and nutrition security and safety; sustainable forest and natural resources management, including fisheries; and institutional capacity enhancement of the public and private sectors. Gender is one of the crosscutting themes that is mandatorily mainstreamed within all projects and regular work under the above-mentioned priority areas. FAO Türkiye’s actions for the implementation of gender commitments are guided by the FAO Policy on Gender Equality 2020–2030 which recognizes that persistent inequalities between women and men constitute a major obstacle to agriculture and rural development; and that eliminating these disparities is essential to building sustainable and inclusive food systems and resilient and peaceful societies. The implementation of equality goals and targets are the shared responsibility of line ministries, other government offices and civil society organizations. The National Action Plan on Women’s Empowerment 2018–2023 aims promote women’s participation in economic and social life; ensure women’s equal access to rights and opportunities; and mainstream the principle of equality between women and men into all the main state plans and programmes. In response to the challenges, FAO Türkiye cooperates with the Turkish Government to deliver a range of gender mainstreamed and women-focused actions. This compilation of practices from the field aims to raise awareness among practitioners by sharing experiences and lessons learned to develop future actions.

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