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Book (stand-alone)FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Animals, including Fish
Rome, 17–21 November 2003
2004A joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Animals, including Fish was held at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome from 17 to 21 November 2003. The objective of this Consultation was to provide scientific advice to FAO/WHO and their Member Governments on the safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified animals, including fish (hereafter “GM animals”). The C onsultation focused on discussing what strategies are appropriate and applicable to the food safety assessment of GM animals. Additionally, it addressed specific issues originating from the production of GM animals as well as environmental and ethical issues. The Consultation did not address all environmental issues but focused on the connection between environmental entry of GM animals and food safety. The Consultation also addressed ethical considerations that relate directly to the scientific assessment of foods derived from GM animals. -
Book (stand-alone)FAO GM Foods Platform user guide - Sharing information on safety assessments of genetically modified (GM) food 2018
Also available in:
No results found.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) maintains the “FAO GM Foods Platform”, available at, a simple, easy-to-access, global online resource that shares information on food safety assessments of genetically modified (GM) plants. This user guide provides an easy reference for the Platform’s users so that they can effectively share their GM food safety assessment data in accordance with the relevant Codex Alimentarius guidelines. This user guide aims to ensure that user data remains up to date and provides global benefits, particularly in the case of low level presence situations. There are four types of FAO Foods Platform users: 1) Visitors, 2) Registered Users (Focal Points), 3) Content Administrator, and 4) IT manager. This user guide particularly targets Registered Users so that they can review, upload and use the relevant data on GM food safety assessments. -
BookletTraining on Genetically Modified (GM) food safety assessment, risk communication and advocacies programme in Bhutan
Technical summary report
2018Also available in:
No results found.Upon the official request of the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Bhutan, a national training workshop entitled “training on genetically modified (GM) food safety assessment, risk communication and advocacies programme” was co-organized by the Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 23 – 27 July 2018 in Thimphu, Bhutan. The objectives of the workshop were to provide: 1) an understanding of the relevant rules and regulations concerning GMOs and GM products in Bhutan; 2) an understanding of the internationally accepted principles of GM food safety assessment, risk management and risk communication and information on challenges involved in enacting these principles; 3) an understanding of the required expertise and types of experts for undertaking GM food safety assessments so that possible shortcomings in assessment capacity/resources in Bhutan could be identified; 4) hands-on experience in extracting relevant safety information from condensed GM food case studies and presenting the information in a simple and concise way; 5) general information about biosafety and biotechnology in the international arena with particular emphasis on communication; and 6) a way forward for BAFRA to conduct any suggested follow up activities.
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