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The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security: 2021

FAO. 2021. The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security: 2021. Rome.

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    The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security 2017
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    The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security. Natural disasters have cost billions of dollars in lost agricultural production. The human food chain is under continuous threat from an alarming increase in the number of outbreaks of transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases. Conflict and protracted crises are putting more and more people in conditions of poverty, food insecurity and displacement. This has become the "new normal" and the impact of climate change will further exacerbate these threats and challenges. Agriculture often bears a disproportionate share of disaster impacts, many of which are borne directly by smallholders. As resources become increasingly scarce, objective evidence is needed to effectively target our investment in resilience, preparedness and mitigation. This second edition of FAO's report on the Impact of Disasters and Crises on Agriculture and Food Security provides the latest data on the impact of disasters and crises on agriculture sectors, combined with sound analysis of remaining gaps and challenges. It is not limited to natural disasters alone, but includes the first-ever analysis of the effect on agriculture of conflict and food chain crises. The 2017 report considers how the entire sector is impacted, not only crops and livestock but also forestry, fisheries and aquaculture.
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    Emergency Preparedness and Response to Multiple Crises in Tajikistan - TCP/TAJ/3806 2022
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    In Tajikistan, locusts destroy vast areas of crop and rangelands, resulting in estimated losses of USD 10 15 million annually The damage they cause gravely threatens the livelihoods and food security of vulnerable communities in rural areas A locust outbreak occurred in the Khatlon region of the country in June 2020 Nearly 114 000 ha of land were chemically treated by the State Enterprise Locust Control Expedition (SE LCE), and, thanks to this campaign, millions of dollars’ worth of crops and pastures were saved Prompt follow up actions to survey, identify and manage the pest were required to prevent future outbreaks and to stop it from spreading to other regions and countries To carry out these actions, the SE LCE needed equipment and other inputs for control operations, as well as further training on locust management This project was therefore designed to provide the necessary technical assistance to support the SE LCE in mitigating locust outbreaks and preventing their spread The implementation of the project began, and then, in March of 2021 several extreme weather events occurred, including a severe dry spell, sharp fluctuations in temperature that caused full and partial losses of early vegetable crops and fruit trees, and a series of floods and landslides The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19 pandemic also hit the country hard, with half a million labour migrants either remaining in or returning to Tajikistan, placing further demands on the food supply, particularly in rural areas.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2023
    Avoiding and reducing losses through investment in resilience
    Disasters are resulting in unprecedented levels of destruction across the world. These shocks and disruptions affect the functioning and sustainability of agricultural production and threaten the livelihoods of millions of people reliant on agrifood systems.Reducing the impact of disasters in agriculture requires a better understanding of the extent to which these events produce negative impacts in agriculture and necessitates an investigation into the underlying risks that make agriculture vulnerable to the effects of disasters.The FAO flagship report on ‘The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security’ provides a timely and comprehensive overview of how disasters are affecting agriculture and food security around the world.Building on previous work of the FAO on this topic, the report estimates losses caused by disasters on agricultural production over the past three decades and delves into the diverse threats and impacts affecting the crops, livestock, forestry, and fisheries and aquaculture subsectors. It analyzes the complex interplay of underlying risks, such as climate change, pandemics, epidemics and armed conflicts, and how they drive disaster risk in agriculture and agrifood systems at large.The report provides examples of actions and strategies for investing in resilience and proactively addressing risks in agriculture. It demonstrates ways to mainstream disaster risk into agricultural practices and policies and calls for a deeper understanding of the context in which these solutions are implemented.

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