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Selected papers from the 9th UN roundtable on communication for development

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    Sélection d’articles présentés lors de la 9ème Table ronde des Nations Unies sur la communication pour le développement
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    La Table ronde inter-agences des Nations Unies sur la Communication pour le Développement est un forum informel organisé tous les deux ans sous la direction de l’UNESCO pour les agences des Nations Unies, les donateurs et les acteurs sur le terrain dans le but de partager et de présenter les progrès accomplis, d’harmoniser les approches et de développer des accords de partenariats sur le terrain. La 9ème Table ronde des Nations Unies qui s’est tenue à Rome en septembre 2004 a été organ isée par la FAO en collaboration avec l’UNESCO, la Banque mondiale, le CTA, le CRDI, le gouvernement italien et a rassemblé 150 participants. La Table ronde dont le thème était: “La communication et le développement durable” a abordé trois thématiques, toutes liées entre elles et particulièrement centrales pour le développement durable: la communication dans la recherche, la vulgarisation et l’éducation; la communication pour la gestion des ressources naturelles; et la communication pour les groupes isolés et marginalisés. Les articles présentés dans cet ouvrage ont constitué des documents de base des sessions de travail des Tables rondes, offrant des vues et perspectives qui ont grandement contribué à ses résultats. La 9ème Table ronde des Nations Unies a constitué un évènement qui a fait avancer la communication pour le développement dans ses efforts pour répondre aux défis du 21ème siècle grâce à une plus forte collaboration et une mise en réseau des agenc es des NU et des institutions partenaires. Elle a réaffirmé que la Communication pour le Développement est une bonne approche pour répondre aux besoins des populations et au développement des institutions en faisant la promotion des connaissances, de l’information et de la participation de manière intégrée.
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    Education and training for food security
    Capacity Building and Good Practices in five African Countries
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    Education and training strategies need to be integrated within sustainable rural development strategies, through plans of action that are multisectoral and interdisciplinary. This means creating new partnerships among policy-makers and practitioners working in agriculture and rural development and those working in education. This book was prepared by the FAO Interdepartmental Working Group on Training for Technicians and Capacity Building within the framework of Education for Rural People to exchange good practices. Access to virtual training materials in the area of agriculture and food security represents an enormous potential for enhancing and enriching the capacity of technicians, especially of those working in rural areas. The book provides a source of information for the general reader as well as policy makers and teachers Education for Rural People (ERP) is crucial to achieving by 2015 the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (No . 1), achieving universal primary education (No. 2), promoting gender equality (No. 3) and ensuring environmental sustainability (No. 7). The World Food Summit, held in Rome in 1996, highlighted the need to increase access to education for the poor and the members of disadvantaged groups, including rural people, in order to achieve poverty eradication, food security, durable peace and sustainable development. The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg, also emp hasized the role of education. As the majority of the world’s poor, illiterate and undernourished live in rural areas, it is a major challenge to ensure their access to quality education. The lack of learning opportunities is directly related to rural poverty. Hence, education and training strategies need to be integrated within sustainable rural development strategies, through plans of action that are multisectoral and interdisciplinary. This means creating new partnerships among policy-makers and practitioners working in agriculture and rural development and those working in education. To address these challenges, the Directors-General of FAO and UNESCO jointly launched the flagship programme on ERP ( during the World Summit on Sustainable Development. ERP promotes inter-agency collaboration to facilitate targeted and coordinated actions. Moreover, ERP is a flagship to alert donors and other stakeholders of the need for systematic action and investment in education, training and capacity building related to MDGs one, two, three and seven. This book was prepared by the FAO Interdepartmental Working Group on Training for Technicians and Capacity Building within the framework of ERP. Previous titles of ERP publications, prepared in collaboration with the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) or other partners, are listed at the end of this book. FAO is the UN lead agency of the ERP Flagship external network whereas the Int erdepartmental Working Group on Training for Technicians and Capacity Building (IDWGTT) is the ERP network within FAO. The Group aims at strengthening the capacity of technicians working in the development of food security, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, sustainable rural development and natural resources management. ERP shares with member countries and UN organizations the knowledge generated and managed by FAO during the last decade in the area of education and training. The new developmen ts in information and communication technology have increased the demand for training materials available on the Web. Technicians are the massive and basic target of the capacity building efforts, with often limited access to conventional training materials. Access to virtual training materials in the area of agriculture and food security represents an enormous potential for enhancing and enriching the capacity of technicians, especially of those working in rural areas.
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    SFM Fact sheet 2: SFM and primary forests 2012
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    The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) is a voluntary interagency partnership on forests that was established in April 2001 in response to an invitation issued in the resolution 2000/35 by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) that established the International Arrangement on Forests and the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) therein. ECOSOC gave further guidance for CPF through its resolution 2015/33 by, inter alia, reaffirming the principles and defining the core functions of the CPF as a component of the International Arrangement on Forests. The Partnership is currently comprised of fifteen international organizations, institutions and secretariats that have substantial programmes on forests. FAO is the permanent chair of the partnership and UNFF is the permanent secretariat, the vice-chair rotates annually. The objective of this series of fact sheets produced by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests is to inform decisionmakers and stakeholders about some of the issues and opportunities facing the implementation of sustainable forest management in the 21st century.

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