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Book (stand-alone)Trade, Value Chains, and Food Security
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015-16 Background paper
2015Also available in:
No results found.The aim of this paper is to present possible directions of research for investigating the relationship between trade and food security by taking into account the role of production fragmentation and the degree of participation of farmers in the different stages of the GVCs. To this end, the paper first introduces the topic, with a specific focus on the agri-food industry and provides a synthetic picture of the state of the art of the empirical analysis. Then, it focuses on two lines of research: the first one, at the macro level, deals with the emerging literature on tracing the value added of countries’ trade flows; the second one, at the micro level, makes use of the new household panel data with a strong focus on agriculture and rural development. Finally the conclusions present some policy implications related to the rising of GVCs. -
Report and papers of an FAO Symposiumheld at Geneva on 23 - 24 September 1999. Vol. 1 Issues and options.
2000As part of its mandate to provide assistance to member countries for the follow-up to the Uruguay Round and future negotiations on agriculture, FAO has pursued a wide range of activities with a view to enhancing the capacity of member countries, particularly developing countries, to analyse the implications of the Uruguay Round Agreements for the agricultural sector, to adjust to the new trading environment and thus take advantage of trading opportunities, and to participate effectively in futur e multilateral trade negotiations. The 1996 World Food Summit Plan of Action commits FAO to continue assisting developing countries on trade issues and in particular -
Book (stand-alone)Food security, developing countries and multilateral trade rules
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015-16 Background Paper
2015Also available in:
The WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is frequently criticised for not taking sufficient account of the needs of developing countries to pursue policies necessary to promote their food security. This paper assesses the extent to which existing and proposed rules limit the policy space that developing countries might want. It also explores the way in which AoA rules - under the headings of import protection, domestic support and the ability to respond to volatile world market prices - enable tra de to make a positive contribution to food security, while also highlighting areas where the absence of rules, incomplete rules or inappropriate rules hinder the role that trade can make.
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