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DocumentStock assessment for the Indian oil sardine Sardinella longiceps inhabiting the eastern waters of the People’s Democratic [Republic] of Yemen 1984
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No results found.This report describes an assessment for the stock of sardine inhabiting the waters adjacent to the coastline between Mukalla and Ras Fartak. It is based on catch sampling undertaken from mid-1980 until mid-1983. The growth of sardine was shown to be seasonal, and mostly occurring in the months July through August. Spawning was shown to occur in the months of August through September, and presumed to be synchronised with the passing of the south west monsoon. The age coinciding with first sexual maturity was determined as immediately prior to age two years. The yield per recruit estimations indicated that the annual catch of about 18 thousand tons (prior to the demise of the purse seine fishery) might be increased to about 21 thousand tons, following an increase in the fishing effort to the equivalent of Z = 3 .1 for both the inshore and more offshore parts of the stock. Tue annual mean stock biomass was estimated as 21 thousand tons; and ranging from about 32 thousand tons during autum n to 12 thousand tons during spring. -
DocumentPreliminary stock assessment for the deep sea lobster Puerulus sewelli taken off the coast of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 1981
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No results found.This paper describes a preliminary stock assessment for the deep sea lobster Puerulus sewelli inhabiting waters off the People's Democratic Republic of South Yemen. It is principally based on 'at sea' sampling of the commercial catch. -
DocumentPreliminary stock assessment for the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis taken off the coast of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 1979
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No results found.This paper describes a preliminary stock assessment for the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis inhabiting waters off the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen. It is principally based on the catch and effort records for the commercial fleet.
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