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Здорові ґрунти України: 2019

Інтегроване управління природними ресурсами деградованих ландшафтів лісостепової та степової зон України - Огляд діяльності проекту

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Healthy soils in Ukraine: 2019
    Integrated Natural Resources Management in Degraded Landscapes in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of Ukraine - Overview of the project activities
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    The brochure provides information on events, activities and achievements of the GEF-funded FAO project "Integrated Natural Resources Management in Degraded Landscapes in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of Ukraine" in 2019. The project is a joint initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) to promote restoration of degraded landscapes in the steppe and foreststeppe zones of Ukraine. The project is led by the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection with support from the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.
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    Second Plenary Meeting of the Eurasian Soil Partnership (EASP) - Workshop Report
    15- 18 June 2015, Izmir, Turkey
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    The workshop was organised around plenary presentations (in particular on the status of GSP and outcomes of the previous EASP meetings held in Samarkand, September 2014 and Antalya, October 2014) and plenary discussions for re-establishment of EASP Steering Committee and development and validation of the RIP. The 6 working groups discussed the proposed RIP components, outputs, activities, indicators, timeline, partners and budget/funding. The topics discussed included:  Pillar 1 Sustainable soi l management, protection and restoration (framework)  Pillar 2 Investment, technical cooperation, policy, education, awareness and extension in soil  Pillar 3 Targeted soil research and development  Pillars 4 and 5 Enhancing soil data and information and harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators  IYS 2015 in the EASP member countries  Financing RIP Donor mapping The workshop was also forward looking and provided recommendations for possible considerations and actions needed to promote and support implementation of the RIP. Furthermore, the workshop offered advice to GSP Focal Points and Secretariat with regard to the road map, next steps in the RIP development process and the additional actions that may be required to ensure that the document can be approved by GSP and successfully implemented. The importance for securing support for the RIP and to collaborate with variety of partners and projects, in particular FAO CACILM-II project for ‘Integrated natural resourc es management for salt affected and drought prone areas in Central Asia and Turkey’ was noted.

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