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FIRMS-WECAFC Report of the Regional workshop on Recreational Fisheries Statistics in the Caribbean, The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 20 - 22 June 2017

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 20–22 June 2017

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    Book (series)
    Report of the FIRMS-WECAFC Regional Workshop on recreational fisheries statistics in the Caribbean
    The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 20-22 June 2017
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    The WECAFC-FIRMS regional workshop on Recreational Fisheries Statistics in the Caribbean was supported by the Caribbean Billfish Project, which is a component of the GEF-funded, World Bank-implemented, Ocean Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation Models for Innovation and Reform (ABNJ) Project, and is being executed by the WECAFC Secretariat at the Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources of the Bahamas Government kindly hosted this workshop, which was held at the Bahamas Agricultural Industrial Corporation (BAIC). There is a need to develop recreational fisheries data collection and fishery statistics capacities in the Caribbean. Improving nations’ abilities to inform the sustainable management of valuable fish stocks, through robust data analyses, will yield socio-economic dividends for current and future citizens. The Caribbean Billfish Pro ject seeks to improve regional recreational fishery data collection and analysis capacities in order to inform the ongoing improvements to the management of billfish and other stocks at national and regional levels. The workshop brought together 38 representatives from 13 Caribbean countries and overseas territories’ fisheries departments, regional fisheries bodies, fisheries technical advisory institutions, non-governmental organizations, various fishery statistics specialists and other releva nt stakeholders. Participants’ knowledge of regional fishery data challenges and their capacities to address these challenges effectively were developed over the course of the workshop. Within the Caribbean, recreational fisheries currently represent a largely untapped resource for valuable data capture. This fishery subsector is very capable of providing invaluable data to genuinely inform effective fisheries management. However, national fishery authorities tend to either not recognize the op portunity, or struggle to engage effectively with this fishery sector for data capture. This workshop emphasized the opportunities at hand for citizen science, holistic fisheries data capture and management, and described effective data collection and analysis methodologies from other regions. Participants then prioritized the regional data collection needs collectively, from both recreational and artisanal fleets, and agreed on technicalities for digital data systems applications – including th e use of Smart Forms, a pilot version of which is expected to be implemented during the Caribbean Billfish Project.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Third Regional Workshop on Caribbean Billfish Management and Conservation of the WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC Working Group on Recreational Fisheries. Bridgetown, Bridgetown, Barbados. 4-6 April 2017 / Informe del 3er Taller Regional sobre el Ordenamiento y la Conservación de los Picudos del Caribe del Grupo de Trabajo COPACO/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC sobre la Pesca Recreativa, Bridgetown, Barbados. 4-6 abril 2017 2018
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    The Third Regional Workshop on Caribbean Billfish Management and Conservation of the WECAFC/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC Working Group on Recreational Fisheries was held in Bridgetown, Barbados, from 4 to 6 April 2017. Thirty-five representatives from thirteen Caribbean countries and territories, along with various organizations and projects, attended the workshop. Information about the values represented by billfish stocks in the Caribbean was presented and discussed in pursuit of solutions to increase the value of these resources for the Caribbean states. Successful billfish capture and stock value conservation examples were presented and discussed, as were the policy, legislative and management contexts within which billfish fisheries currently takes place in the region. The latest stock assessment data were presented, which illustrated stock declines and the current level of fisheries pressure on the stocks. A third draft of the Caribbean Billfish Management and Conservation Plan was discussed, as was the draft Subregional FAD Management Plan. Business case opportunities sought through the Caribbean Billfish Project were also clarified. A draft WECAFC management recommendation was prepared by the Working Group, recognizing the concerns over billfish stock status, the current fisheries pressure on these stocks and proposing regional concerted action. Participants revised the Terms of Reference pertaining to the Working Group on Recreational Fisheries, updated the work plan and elected its convener. The workshop was carried out under the guidance and supervision of the FAO Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) with support of the Caribbean Billfish Project GCP/SLC/001/WBK. El tercer Taller sobre el Ordenamiento y la Conservación de los Picudos del Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Pesca Recreativa de la COPACO/OSPESCA/CRFM/CFMC, fue realizado en Bridgetown, Barbados, del 4-a 6 de abril de 2017. Treinta y cinco representantes de trece países del Caribe y los territorios asistieron al taller, a la par de otras organizaciones y proyectos. La información sobre los valores que representan las poblaciones de picudos en el Caribe fue presentada y discutida en búsqueda de soluciones para mejorar el valor de estos recursos en los estados del Caribe. Las capturas exitosas de picudos y el valor de varios ejemplos de conservación de las poblaciones, fueron presentados y discutidos, lo mismo que los contextos políticos y jurídicos en los que actualmente la pesca de picudos se realiza en la región. La Última información sobre datos del estado de las poblaciones fue presentada, en la que se ilustra el declive de las poblaciones y el estado actual de la presión de las pesqueras sobre las poblaciones y las propuestas para una acción. Un tercer borrador del Plan de Ordenamiento y Conservación de los Picudos fue discutido, lo mismo que el Plan Sub-regional de Ordenamiento de la pesca con DAPs. Las oportunidades de negocios a través del Proyecto Picudos del Caribe, fueron también aclaradas. Se preparó un borrador de recomendaciones sobre ordenamiento por el Grupo de Trabajo de la COPACO, reconociendo las preocupaciones sobre el estado de las poblaciones de picudos, la presión actual de las pesqueras sobre estas poblaciones y las propuestas regionales de acción concertada. Los participantes revisaron los Términos de Referencia del Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Pesca Recreativa, actualizaron el plan de trabajo y eligieron el convocante. El taller se realizó bajo la supervisión de la Comisión de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro occidental (COPACO) con el apoyo del Proyecto Picudos del Caribe GCP/SLC/001/WBK.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    A Recreational Fisheries Economic Impact Assessment Manual and its application in two study cases in the Caribbean: Martinique and The Bahamas 2016
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    The manual is intended to help countries within the wider Caribbean Region better understand the size and contributions from recreation fishing to their economies. The methods proposed within can be applied to other countries outside this region, too. The results are meant to explain the economic impacts at the national and regional level, not to the individual. Measures of recreational fishing’s impacts upon individuals are a valid concern, and may represent a second or separate effort on the p art of the countries using this document. The manual was tested in Bahamas and Martinique and the resulst of these tests are included in the circular.

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