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Wealth index mapping in the Horn of Africa

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    Notes on livestock, food security and gender equity 2011
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    Around 2.6 billion people in the developing world are estimated to have to make a living on less than $2 a day and of these, about 1.4 billion are ‘extremely’ poor; surviving on less than $1.25 a day. Nearly three quarters of the extremely poor – that is around 1 billion people – live in rural areas and, despite growing urbanization, more than half of the ‘dollar-poor’ will reside in rural areas until about 2035. Most rural households depend on agriculture as part of their livelihood and livesto ck commonly form an integral part of their production system. On the other hand, to a large extent driven by increasing per capita incomes, the livestock sector has become one of the fastest developing agricultural sub-sectors, exerting substantial pressure on natural resources as well as on traditional production (and marketing) practices. In the face of these opposing forces, guiding livestock sector development on a pathway that balances the interests of low and high income households and reg ions as well as the interest of current and future generations poses a tremendous challenge to policymakers and development practioners. Furthermore, technologies are rapidly changing while at the same time countries are engaging in institutional ‘experiments’ through planned and un-planned restructuring of their livestock and related industries, making it difficult for anyone to keep abreast with current realities. This ‘Working Paper’ Series pulls together into a single series different strand s of work on the wide range of topics covered by the Animal Production and Health Division with the aim of providing ‘fresh’ information on developments in various regions of the globe, some of which is hoped may contribute to foster sustainable and equitable livestock sector development. This paper follows on a previous FAO study that used remotely sensed and other environmental data to map poverty in Uganda (FAO, 2006) and extends it to the Horn of Africa, incorporating additional environmenta l and sociological variables. Furthermore, instead of using a direct measure of poverty, this study investigates the use of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Wealth Index (WI) as a proxy for a regional welfare measure.
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    Mapping supply and demand for animal-source foods to 2030 2011
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    Around 2.6 billion people in the developing world are estimated to have to make a living on less than $2 a day and of these, about 1.4 billion are ‘extremely’ poor; surviving on less than $1.25 a day. Nearly three quarters of the extremely poor – that is around 1 billion people – live in rural areas and, despite growing urbanization, more than half of the ‘dollar-poor’ will reside in rural areas until about 2035. Most rural households depend on agriculture as part of their livelihood and livesto ck commonly form an integral part of their production system. On the other hand, to a large extent driven by increasing per capita incomes, the livestock sector has become one of the fastest developing agricultural sub-sectors, exerting substantial pressure on natural resources as well as on traditional production (and marketing) practices. In the face of these opposing forces, guiding livestock sector development on a pathway that balances the interests of low and high income households and regions as well as the interest of current and future generations poses a tremendous challenge to policymakers and development practioners. Furthermore, technologies are rapidly changing while at the same time countries are engaging in institutional ‘experiments’ through planned and un-planned restructuring of their livestock and related industries, making it difficult for anyone to keep abreast with current realities. This ‘Working Paper’ Series pulls together into a single series different strands of work on the wide range of topics covered by the Animal Production and Health Division with the aim of providing ‘fresh’ information on developments in various regions of the globe, some of which is hoped may contribute to foster sustainable and equitable livestock sector development. In 2006 the FAO Global Perspective Studies Unit revised their estimates of prospective developments in food demand and consumption to 2030/2050 (FAO, 2006b). In this paper we take the estimates of supp ly and demand for animal-source foods and disaggregate them spatially for the years 2000 and 2030. By so doing we are able to present detailed maps and tables of change in supply and demand that are of direct use to researchers and decision makers in the livestock sector.
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    Support to Capacity Building on Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Implementation of Local Community Development Pilot Projects - TCP/MOL/3607 2020
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    Agriculture is a pillar of the Republic of Moldova’s RoM economy and serves as the primary source of income in rural areas Approximately 1 9 million people, or 58 percent of the country’s population, live in rural areas, while one quarter of the employed population works in the agriculture sector Generally, however, the sector has low productivity and a high level of informal employment Additionally, over 94 percent of private households in the RoM possess less than 3 hectares of land, which is reflective of the land reforms that occurred during the 1990 s Notwithstanding, agriculture, together with the food processing industry, accounted for USD 1 billion, equivalent to 15 percent of the national GDP, and 30 percent of total exports in 2015 Unemployment affects two thirds of the rural population, while relatively low wages exist in the agriculture sector These factors have both contributed to the pockets of poverty that persist in the country Moreover, wages for rural women are only 76 percent of those of men (on average), further complicating this matter Farmers continue to face several challenges in the advancement of agriculture, including underdeveloped rural infrastructure, poor access to markets and susceptibility to extreme weather events (especially droughts.

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