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Stepping up – Everyone around the table for better nutrition and healthy diets

Step 3: Going to scale

Keats, S., LeBlanc, C., and Kissick, C. 2021. Stepping Up – Everyone Around the Table for Better Nutrition and Heathy Diets. STEP 3. Going to Scale. Report. Rome. 

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Stepping up – Everyone around the table for better nutrition and healthy diets
    Step 2: Shaping the enabling environment
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    This is the second of three background papers produced to inform the ‘Everyone Around the Table: FAO/GAIN Roundtable with Private Sector on Healthy Diets’ virtual roundtable series scheduled for mid-2020. While the range of topics discussed is relevant to all countries, where possible a greater focus has been given to low- and middle-income country contexts. STEP 2 (this paper) sets out some channels to advance this agenda by improving the enabling environment – the policies, incentives, rules and regulations that shape behaviours (and enable good practice). Though governments lead in this area, there are clear responsibilities for all stakeholders.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Stepping up – Everyone around the table for better nutrition and healthy diets
    Step 1: The role of the private-sector – Focus on small and medium enterprises
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    This is the first of three background papers produced to inform the series of three virtual roundtables entitled ‘Stepping up: Everyone Around the Table for Better Nutrition and Sustainable Healthy Diets: FAO/GAIN Roundtables with the Private Sector on Healthy Diets’ which took place in July-2020. These papers and roundtables are intended to highlight current understandings, gaps and misconceptions about engaging with businesses in the food system. Together with all stakeholders we hope to identify paths leading to healthy diets for everyone, everywhere. STEP 1 (this paper) unpacks the role of the private sector, especially of SMEs, in sustainably nourishing the world. It reinforces the growing consensus that food systems, and the SME activities within them, must be transformed by stakeholders from all sectors.
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    Policy brief
    Private sector and healthy diets: highlights from 2020 multi-stakeholder roundtables
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    The State of Food Security and Nutrition Report 2020 indicates how misaligned our current food systems are, with some 3 billion people around the world who cannot afford the cheapest healthy diet (FAO et al., 2020). Several other key statistics support the consensus that food systems must be transformed. The private sector, in particular micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), have a key role to play in providing the bulk of the food that people in low- and middle-income countries eat, particularly poorer households – and the great potential that exists for stakeholders from different groups to work together to improve the availability, affordability, and desirability of healthy diets. In this regard, in 2020, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) convened a series of virtual roundtables titled “Private Sector on Healthy Diets: Everyone Around the Table. This briefing paper shares an overview of the type of policy recommendations arising from the discussions and background papers prepared for the FAO-GAIN virtual roundtables – with a focus on policy of governments as well as policy of institutions and organisations, including businesses and development partners.

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