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Book (stand-alone)The household- and individual-level economic impacts of cash transfer programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa 2017
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No results found.This report synthesizes the analysis and findings of a set of seven country impact evaluation studies that explore the impact of cash transfer programmes on household economic decision-making, productive activities and labour allocation in sub-Saharan Africa. The seven countries are Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Results from seven recently completed rigorous impact evaluations of government-run unconditional social cash transfer programmes in sub-Saharan Africa s how that these programmes have significant positive impacts on the livelihoods of beneficiary households. In Zambia, the Child Grant programme had large and positive impacts across an array of income generating activities. The impact of the programmes in Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi and Zimbabwe were more selective in nature, while the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty programme in Ghana had fewer direct impacts on productive activities, and more on various dimensions of risk management . -
ProjectEmergency Assistance for Vulnerable Small-Scale Farmers Affected by El Niño-Induced Drought - TCP/SAF/3604 and TCP/SAF/3801 2022
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No results found.Between 2015 and 2016 South Africa faced some of the worst droughts to have hit the country in decades These droughts were induced by El Niño, a climate pattern that results in the warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, in turn causing a decrease in water availability in the form of rain and discharge into rivers An estimated 6 291 900 people across South Africa are estimated to have been affected by this drought More specifically, smallholder farmers, who are dependent upon agriculture for their livelihoods, and individuals with lower socio economic status were most vulnerable to the adverse effects of the droughts Furthermore, the production of maize and livestock was significantly impacted, with the decrease in production resulting in rising food costs. -
ProjectEmergency Support to Vulnerable Smallholder Farming Households in Moldova to Mitigate Effects of Supply Chain Disruption Caused by the Ukraine Conflict - TCP/MOL/3901 2025
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No results found.The agriculture sector is traditionally the main pillar of the Moldovan economy. In 2020, it employed over 27 percent of the country’s labour force, and accounted for around 12 percent of Moldova’s gross domestic product and approximately 45 percent of total exports. The sector produces a large range of agricultural products, including grains, fruit, vegetables and livestock. In 2016, smallholders represented 98.8 percent of the total number of agricultural producers and cultivated 36.4 percent of the total agricultural land in the country. Smallholders and family farms generate more than 62 percent of the total national volume of agricultural produce, making a fundamental contribution to overall food production and food security. It has been estimated that approximately 70 percent of the rural population depends solely on agriculture for its livelihood. Agricultural production in Moldova is entirely dependent on the import of major agriculture inputs, including fuel, fertilizers and chemical products for plant protection. This dependency makes Moldovan agriculture subject to international price volatility. Insufficient access to quality inputs remains a constraint for competitiveness in a number of subsectors. The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine has created unprecedented challenges for Moldovan farmers. Key challenges relate to reduced access to neighbouring export-import markets and to key agricultural inputs, and the disruption of economic transit routes. In 2022, the government estimated that the ongoing crisis in Ukraine had already affected 70 percent of smallholder farms.
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