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Book (stand-alone)Žuvų auginimo recirkuliacinėse sistemose vadovas.
Įvadas į naujas aplinką tausojančias aukšto produktyvumo uždaras žuvų auginimo sistemas
2015Also available in:
Griežti aplinkosaugos apribojimai, skirti sumažinti iki minimumo žuvų veisyklų ir žuvų auginimo įmonių sukeliamą taršą, Šiaurės Europos šalyse paskatino spartų technologinį recirkuliacinių sistemų vystymąsi. Tačiau recirkuliacija taip pat užtikrina pastovesnę ir stabilesnę žuvų auginimo produkciją, pasižyminčia mažesniu ligų skaičiumi ir geresniais žuvų veisyklų parametrų, kurie turi įtakos augimui, kontrolės būdais. Toks vystymasis yra tinkamas ir visiškai atitinka FAO Atsakingą akvakultūros ek sploatavimo kodeksą. Šis žuvų auginimo recirkuliacinėse sistemose vadovas papildo aplinką tausojančio žuvų auginimo darbą, vykdomą FAO Centrinės ir Rytų Europos subregioninio skyriaus. -
Book (stand-alone)Environmentally friendly aquaculture and fisheries practices
Environmental impact assessment of aquaculture and fisheries
2002Also available in:
No results found.It is generally recognized that the ongoing availability of good quality natural resources and skilled work force are the two central pillars of a modern economy. This fact is recognized by senior decision makers every where and especially those managing the economies of the industrialized nations. But because of historically much stronger ties to the vast Canadian land mass and traditionally a resource-based economy, people and the governments in Canada, have been more aware of the direct linka ges between a healthy biophysical environment and the good quality of life. -
Book (stand-alone)A guide to recirculation aquaculture
An introduction to the new environmentally friendly and highly productive closed fish farming systems
2022Stringent environmental restrictions to minimize pollution from hatcheries and land-based aquaculture facilities in northern European countries have sparked the rapid technological development, investment and innovation in recirculation systems in many parts of the world. In general, aquaculture production affects the environment, but state-of-the-art recirculation methods reduce this effect considerably compared to traditional ways of farming fish. Recirculation systems thereby offer two immediate advantages: cost effectiveness and reduced environmental impact. Recirculation also secures a higher and more stable aquaculture production with less diseases and better ways to control the hatchery parameters that influence fish growth in aquaculture production systems This development is welcome and fully in line with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. This guide focuses on the techniques for the conversion from traditional farming methods to recirculated aquaculture and advises the fish farmers on the pitfalls to be avoided along the way. Key features of the guide are:assists farmers to convert to recirculation aquaculture;- introduces the technology and the methods of management;
- advises on good practise shifting to recirculation aquaculture;
- specifies running a recirculation system, staff education and training;
- provides case stories from different recirculation projects.
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