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Report of the Introductory Training Course on Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals for RECOFI Members and the Round-table Meeting on RECOFI Regional Aquatic Biosecurity, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 1-5 November 2015

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    Manual of Procedures for the Implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals. 2001
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    The Manual of Procedures for the Implementation of the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals provides background material and detailed technical procedures to assist countries and territories in the Asia Region in implementing the Asia Regional Technical Guidelines on Health Management for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals. The Technical Guidelines and their associated implementation plan, the Beijing Consensus and Implementation Strategy (BCIS), (see FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 402) provide expert guidance for national and regional efforts in reducing the risks of disease due to trans-boundary movement of live aquatic animals. The preparation of Technical Guidelines and the Manual of Procedures were jointly initiated by FAO and NACA in 1998 through an FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Project - “Assistance for the Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals”, with the participation of 21 countries from throughout the region. This programme complemented FAO's efforts in assisting member countries to implement the relevant provisions in Article 9 - Aquaculture Development - of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), at both the national and regional levels.

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    Report of the Round-Table Discussion: Moving Forward through Lessons Learned on Response Actions to Aquatic Animal Disease Emergencies, Rome, 16–18 December 2019 2021
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    This report presents the results of a Round-table discussion: moving forward through lessons learned on response actions to aquatic animal disease emergencies organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the auspices of the project GCP/GLO/979/NOR: “Improving Biosecurity Governance and Legal Framework for Efficient and Sustainable Aquaculture Production” that was held from 16–18 December 2019 at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The meeting was attended by 43 experts from 22 countries, representing governance authorities, intergovernmental organizations, academia, research institutions and the private sector. Twenty presentations were delivered, namely: (1) National Competent Authority: role and experiences; (2) Inter-governmental organization: role and activities/experiences related to investigating specific mass mortalities of aquatic animals; (3) Producer and research/academic sectors: role and activities/experiences related to investigating specific mass mortalities of aquatic animalsand (4) Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBAD). The meeting successfully achieved its objective of taking stock and sharing experiences and lessons learned which were used for generating recommendations for the further development and improvement of the draft FAO Decision-tree for dealing with aquatic animal mortality events and supporting guidance. The meeting generated an annotated table of contents for this decision-tree document with the following major sections, namely: Introduction; Phases in an Emergency; Elements of an Emergency Response (Preparedness Phase, Response Phase, Recovery Phase); Decision-tree for Mass Mortality Events; Conducting Field Investigation; Tools and Guidance; and Case Study Examples. It is expected that this document will be made available in 2021.
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    Aquaculture development. 2. Health management for responsible movement of live aquatic animals 2007
    These Technical Guidelines on Health management for responsible movement of live aquatic animals have been developed to support sections of FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) addressing responsible fisheries management (Article 7), aquaculture development (Article 9), international trade (Article 11) and fisheries research (Article 12). The objective of these guidelines is to assist countries in reducing the risk of introduction and spread of serious transboundary aquatic ani mal diseases (TAADs). Although they deal primarily with safe transboundary movement at the international level, they are also applicable to domestic movements between different provinces, geographical areas or zones of differing disease status. These Technical Guidelines also include guidance for health management at the farm and farm-cluster level, to the extent that these local production units are involved in the spread of TAADs.

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