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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetCosts and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Kenya’s Milk Value Chain 2018
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No results found.This policy brief summarizes the policy recommendations stemming from the FAO Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies for the Agrifood Sector (INVESTA) project. Here the focus is on how to foster investment and adoption of biogas digesters for power generattion, biogas domestic milk chillers and solar milk coolers in Kenya. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetCosts and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in Tunisia’s Milk Value Chain 2018
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No results found.This policy brief summarizes the policy recommendations stemming from the FAO Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies for the Agrifood Sector (INVESTA) project. Here the focus is on how to foster investment and adoption of biogas digesters for power generattion and solar milk coolers in Tunisia. -
Book (stand-alone)Costs and benefits of clean energy technologies in the milk, vegetable and rice value chains
Intervention level
2018Also available in:
No results found.The report focuses on three food supply value chains, their costs, benefits and sustainability potentials were analysed together with unintended impacts at the intervention level (e.g. at farmer or food processor level). A methodological approach was developed to provide a sound and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The potential added value of these technologies for different stakeholders was then considered using selected case studies. The methodological approach highlights hidden environmental and socio-economic costs of interventions, such as government-subsidized fossil fuel, which are often borne by non-economic operators. Such costs and co-benefits were therefore included and highlighted in the analysis and compared to a simple financial analysis to inform investments. A range of 12 impact indicators was developed to assess potential non-monetized environmental and socio-economic impacts that could arise when introducing an innovative clean energy technology. Costs were compiled for each of the selected agrifood clean energy technologies, based on case studies where data were available. A CBA for intervention-level was then conducted to assess the impacts from adopting a specific technology, such as an improvement in the efficient use of energy.
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