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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBuilding institutional and local community capacity to manage human-wildlife conflict 2023
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No results found.This case study comes from Mozambique, where human-wildlife conflict was not a new issue in 2010. Incidents had been increasing, particularly those involving crocodiles Crocodylus niloticus, and also elephants Loxodonta africana and lions Panthera leo. These incidents impacted food security, local community incomes, well-being and safety, and were exacerbated by poverty levels. Human-wildlife conflict had become a major concern for the Government of Mozambique and led them to formulate a National Strategy for Human-Wildlife Conflict Management (2009-2014). The government approved the Strategy in 2009, and from 2010 its implementation was supported by FAO, through a Technical Cooperation Programme Project The FAO project's objective was to design an implementation plan for the Strategy with the expressed goal of mitigating human-wildlife conflicts and build the needed capacity in the country to be able to do so. This case study focuses on how capacity was built in Mozambique to implement the Strategy. By building capacity in the national government agencies, the FAO project empowered the government agencies to guide and implement the country's national strategy on human-wildlife conflict. The overhauled database, covering five years (2006-2010), was presented at the Council of Ministers, in order to underscore the importance of the situation in Mozambique, inform the Ministers of the problem, and highlight some of the tools available to reduce the impacts of human-wildlife conflict, particularly the crocodile cages that had been used and improved. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFostering coexistence through a poverty reduction approach 2022
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No results found.The case study comes from Bolivia, where following a regional assessment on the distribution of Andean bears in 2010, researchers received reports from local communities regarding Andean bears attacking and killing cattle in the Tarija region, with retaliation against the bears ensuing. Researchers were surprised by these reports as the presence of bears had not been documented in the area. However, in 2016, a camera trap study was initiated by Chester Zoo, Protección Medio Ambiente Tarija (PROMETA) and the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) and confirmed the presence of a reproductive population of Andean bears in the region. These findings became the trigger to start the Andean Bears and People Project in 2018, a collaboration between Chester Zoo, PROMETA, WildCRU, Centro de Estudios Regionales de Tarija (CERDET), Instituto de Investigación y Capacitacion Campesina (IICA) and the Natural History Museum Alcides d’Orbigny. This case study describes the main findings of the project related to fostering coexistence through poverty reduction approach. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetDeveloping and evaluating a beehive fence deterrent through stakeholder involvement 2022
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No results found.The case study comes from Kenya, the Elephants and Bees Project, which is part of Save the Elephants' Human-Elephant Coexistence Programme, based in Sagalla, next to Tsavo East National Park in southern Kenya. The case study highlights the process undertaken since 2001 to understand the effect honey bees had on elephants and to develop, evaluate and implement beehive fences at several sites in Kenya, from initial research-based studies on the effect of bees on elephants to the establishment of the Elephants and Bees Project. The project ensured that an evidence base for the beehive fence had been made to determine its functional efficacy while understanding the impacts in the region by elephants and the farmers' activity patterns meant it could be implemented correctly.The project worked with farmers who actively wanted to implement beehive fences. This was important as beehive fences require regular maintenance and they need the correct ecological components to be successful.
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