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The state of food and agriculture, 2010-2011

Women in Agriculture: closing the gender gap for development

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    Land and Gender: Improving data availability and use in the Western Balkans 2014
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    Improved access to gender-disaggregated data can be a catalyst to improving gender equality and provide opportunities for the so-called “Third Sector” of non-governmental and local organizations, especially those representing women. The Voluntary Guidelines underline that gender equality is at the core of all processes and aspects of tenure governance, including policy formulation, service delivery, and access to legal systems and information.
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    Book (series)
    Gender and land compendium of country studies 2005
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    From the outset, the development of agriculture has been strongly associated with women’s endeavour. In fact, women’s contribution to agriculture goes back to the origins of farming and the domestication of animals when the first human settlements were established more than 6 000 years ago. Over the years, the division of responsibilities and labour within households and communities tended to place farming and nutrition-related tasks under women’s domain. Nowadays, in many societies women continue to be mainly responsible for family food security and nutrition. Nevertheless, the institutional framework and policy environment have not necessarily evolved to respond to the goals of human and social reproduction; on the contrary, they have been subordinated to financial and profit-making goals. Gender, together with other social and economic factors, determines the individual’s and group’s access to and control over resources. Cultural norms and social practices, as well as socio-economic factors, are among the main obstacles women face in this regard. In practice, although most national legal codes have explicitly incorporated legal provisions acknowledging gender equality in relation to access and ownership of land and other productive resources, it has been noted that women’s rights to own resources on equal conditions to those of men are repeatedly disregarded or overlooked.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Gender assessment in plantation forestry in Uganda 2022
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    Women play a vital role in forestry, but their contributions are not fully realized due to existing gender inequalities. The policy environment for addressing gender equality in Uganda has improved in recent decades, but women continue to be disadvantaged by insecure property rights and by limited access to forests, trees and land resources. Women also suffer from discrimination and bias in the provision of services, including credit and technology, and are often excluded from decision-making at household, community and national levels. Gender mainstreaming and women empowerment were therefore core aspects of the Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Phase III (SPGS III). FAO, on behalf of the Government of Uganda, is implementing the SPGS III project. The project aims at increasing the incomes of the rural population through commercial tree planting by small, medium, and large-scale private sector actors and the local communities, while at the same time helping to mitigate climate change effects through intensive afforestation. Empowering women in forestry can create significant development opportunities and generate important additional benefits for their households and communities. Therefore, FAO conducted a study to assess status of gender equality and women empowerment in plantation forestry in Uganda and make recommendations on how to better integrate gender equality in commercial forestry.

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