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Conclusions of the regional FAO/EUROFISH/GFCM workshop on “Predicting the market for seabass and seabream” held on 4-5 November 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Manual on hatchery production of seabass and gilthead seabream - Volume 2 2005
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    Seabass and gilthead seabream are the two marine fish species which have characterized the development of marine aquaculture in the Mediterranean basin in the last three decades. The substantial increase in production levels of these two species, initially of very high value, has been possible thanks to the progressive improvement in the technologies involved in the production of fry in hatcheries. As a result of this technological progress more than one hundred hatcheries have been bu ilt in the Mediterranean basin, working on these and other similar species. At present the farmed production of these two species that is derived from hatchery produced fry is far greater than the supply coming from capture fisheries. The development of these techniques, based originally on Japanese hatchery techniques, has followed its own evolution and has resulted in what could be called a Mediterranean hatchery technology that is still evolving to provide higher quality animals and to reduce the costs of production. This is a dynamic sector but it can be judged that it has reached a level of maturity that merits the production of a manual for hatchery personnel that could be also of interest in parts of the world other than the Mediterranean. The preparation of the manual has taken several years, also due to the progress of the sector that led to substantial revisions of sections. The manual is not intended to be a final word in hatchery design and operation but rather a publication to document how the industry produces. The authors have preferred to include proven procedures and designs rather than to orient this publication to research hatcheries that are not yet the standard of the sector. The manual has been divided in two volumes, of which the first one was finalized in year 2000, and which covered historical background, biology and life history of the two species and especially hatchery production procedures. This second volume is div ided in four parts.
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    Joint GFCM-BSC Workshop on IUU Fishing in the Black Sea, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-27 February 2013
    The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution. BSC Headquarters, Istanbul, Turkey, 25-27 February 2013
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    Book (series)
    GFCM - Report of the thirtieth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Istanbul, Turkey, 24–27 January 2006. 2006
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    The thirtieth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) was attended by delegates from 18 Members of the Commission. The Commission reviewed the intersessional activities of its Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and its Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ). Based on the advice emanating from SAC and proposals by Members, the GFCM adopted respectively: three binding recommendations on fisheries management measures, including on fishing effort and on the protec tion of sensitive habitats; two recommendations on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, including on the establishment of a black list of vessels and on data confidentiality procedure. It also endorsed three recommendations from the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), including on the establishment of a programme for transshipment by large-scale longliners. The GFCM reiterated its satisfaction with progress made in the implementation of the five regional projects executed by FAO in support of the Commission. The Commission ascertained its financial situation and agreed to use arrears to build a Working Capital Fund. In the Secretariat, it established a post of Statistician and a post of Programmer/System Analyst. Work progress related to the new headquarters of the Commission was reviewed. The Commission decided to postpone the adjustments to its Rules of Procedure to its next plenary. The Commission established a Compliance Committee. It formalized the Environment Aquaculture Mediterranean Network (EAM) and the Statistical Information System on Aquaculture (SIPAM) as subsidiary bodies of CAQ, and endorsed the guidelines prepared by the Joint GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Sustainable Tuna Farming. The Commission agreed on its programme of work and adopted its autonomous budget for the year 2006. The GFCM elected its new Bureau.

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