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COPACO - Rapport de la deuxième session de la Commission des pêches pour l'Atlantique Centre-Ouest (COPACO). Panama, Panama, 22-26 mai 1978.

Commission des peches pour l'Atlantique centre-Quest, Panama, Panama, 22-26 mai 1978 (1978) FAO Fish.Rep., (209):51 p. Rapport de la deuxibme session de la Fishery organizations. WECAFC. Conferences. Reports. Stock assessment. Fishery statistics. Fishery development. Sea law. Pollution effects. Artisanal fishing. FAO Fishing Area 31.

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    Book (series)
    COPACO - Informe de la segunda reunión de la Comisión de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro-occidental (COPACO). Panamá, Panamá, 22-26 de mayo de 1978. 1978
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    La fase actual del Proyecto WECAF PNUD/FAO se inició el 1 de enero de 1977. FUe precedido por una fase preparatoria de 16 meses que terminó el 30 de junio de 1976,durante la cual se llevaron a cabo varios estudios básicos sobre la programación del Proyecto para el desarrollo en la región, especialmente "Evaluación de los recursos de crustáceos del Atlántico centro-occidental y de la parte norte del Atlántico sudoccidental", "Revisión de los recursos pesqueros del Atlántico centro-occidenta l", "Evaluación de las poblaciones de peces y pesquerías del Banco de Campeche" y "Requerimientos de formación pesquera en el Atlántico centro-occidental". Estos estudios están a disposición de los participantes de esta reunión.Como recordarán ustedes, el PNUD sufrió una crisis financiera de gran proporción en el primer semestre de 1976, lo que ocasionó una significante disminución en sus actividades.Como resultado, la realizaciÓn del programa contemplada para las pesquerías del Atlántic o centro-occidental tuvo que ser postergada - la primera fase del Proyecto se terminó el 30 de junio de 1976 y la segunda, actualmente en curso, comenzó solamente seis meses despuás.Debido a la ieeertidumbre que caracterizó el primer semestre de 1976 en cuanto a la fecha en que L. eegunda fase del proyecto podía realizarse y, verdaderamente, de qu4 fondos diepowerie 61 ?NUD para realizar las actividades contempladas, muchos requisitos para la organizaci6n del Proyecto y mi desempoíjo o portuno quedaron en suspenso, especialmente la selección de la sede en el área y el reclutamiento del personal. En consecuencia, a pesar de que el Proyecto fue declarado en marcha con el nombramiento de su director el 1 de enero de 1977, el trabajo en el campo no pudo actualizarse de inmediato.Estas observaciones se han hecho para poner a los miembros del Comit4 en conocimiento de los antecedentes que contribuyeron en gran parte a lao demoras en poner en marcha el programa de trabajo en curso. Por consiguiente, el informe que sigue se presenta en dos partes; una que trata de las actividades antes del establecimiento de la sede en la región WECAF, lo que se puede considerar la etapa de organización del Proyecto; 1a otra, que se refiere a las actividades que comenzaron desde que el Proyecto se trasladó a la región el 1 de septiembre de 1977.
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    Book (series)
    WECAFC - Report of the second session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC). Panama, Panama, 22-26 May 1978. 1978
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    The present phase of the UNDP/FAO WECAF Project was initiated on 1 January 1977. It was preceded by a preparatory phase of 16 months which ended on 30 June 1976, during which time a number of studies basic to the programming of development activities in the region were carried out, notably "An Assessment of Crustacean Resources of the Western Central Atlantic and the Northern Southwest Atlantic", "A Review of the Fishery Resources in the Western Central Atlantic", "An Assessment of the Fish St ocks and Fisheries of the Campeche Bank", and "Fishery Training Needs in the Western Central Atlantic". These studies are available for the information of participants at this meeting. As you will recall, the UNDP became faced with rather serious financial difficulties in the first half of 1976, giving rise to a significant curtailment of UNDP funded activities. As a result, the implementation of the programme envisaged for Western Central Atlantic fisheries had to be postponed - the fir st phase of the Project ended on 30 June 1976 and the one now in course began only six months later.Because of the uncertainty prevailing in the first half of 1976 as to when the WECAF a-oject would become operational and, indeed, what funds would be available for the implementation of planned activities, many of the organizational requisites were left in abeyance, especially the selection of a Project Headquarters in the area and the recruitment of staff. In consequence, although the Project was declared operational when the Programme Leader was appointed on 1 January 19779 the stage was not yet set for the immediate initiation of field activities. These observations are made to give members of this Committee some of the background which in large measure served to retard the implementation of the programme of work now in progress. The descriptive account which follows is therefore given in two parts: one, dealing with activities prior to the establishment of the Project He adquarters in the WECAF area, what can be considered the organizational stage; the other, concerning activities initiated since the Project moved to the area on 1 September 1977.
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    Extension training of artisanal fishermen and other fisheries personnel in the WECAF region
    Inter-regional project for the development of fisheries in the western central Atlantic
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    The Interregional Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic (WECAF), which was initiated in March 1975, entered its second phase on 1 January 1977. Its objectives are to assist in ensuring the full rational utilization of the fishery resources in the Western Central Atlantic through the development of fisheries on under-exploited stocks and the promotion of appropriate management actions for stocks that are heavily exploited. Its activities are coordinated by the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) established by FAO in 1973. The Project is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as the Executing Agency. As in the initial phase, two series of documents will be prepared during the second phase of the Project to provide information on activities and/ or studies carried out. This document is the nineteenth of the series WECAF Reports. The other series of documents is entitled WECAF Studies.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    COPACO - Informe de la segunda reunión de la Comisión de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro-occidental (COPACO). Panamá, Panamá, 22-26 de mayo de 1978. 1978
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    La fase actual del Proyecto WECAF PNUD/FAO se inició el 1 de enero de 1977. FUe precedido por una fase preparatoria de 16 meses que terminó el 30 de junio de 1976,durante la cual se llevaron a cabo varios estudios básicos sobre la programación del Proyecto para el desarrollo en la región, especialmente "Evaluación de los recursos de crustáceos del Atlántico centro-occidental y de la parte norte del Atlántico sudoccidental", "Revisión de los recursos pesqueros del Atlántico centro-occidenta l", "Evaluación de las poblaciones de peces y pesquerías del Banco de Campeche" y "Requerimientos de formación pesquera en el Atlántico centro-occidental". Estos estudios están a disposición de los participantes de esta reunión.Como recordarán ustedes, el PNUD sufrió una crisis financiera de gran proporción en el primer semestre de 1976, lo que ocasionó una significante disminución en sus actividades.Como resultado, la realizaciÓn del programa contemplada para las pesquerías del Atlántic o centro-occidental tuvo que ser postergada - la primera fase del Proyecto se terminó el 30 de junio de 1976 y la segunda, actualmente en curso, comenzó solamente seis meses despuás.Debido a la ieeertidumbre que caracterizó el primer semestre de 1976 en cuanto a la fecha en que L. eegunda fase del proyecto podía realizarse y, verdaderamente, de qu4 fondos diepowerie 61 ?NUD para realizar las actividades contempladas, muchos requisitos para la organizaci6n del Proyecto y mi desempoíjo o portuno quedaron en suspenso, especialmente la selección de la sede en el área y el reclutamiento del personal. En consecuencia, a pesar de que el Proyecto fue declarado en marcha con el nombramiento de su director el 1 de enero de 1977, el trabajo en el campo no pudo actualizarse de inmediato.Estas observaciones se han hecho para poner a los miembros del Comit4 en conocimiento de los antecedentes que contribuyeron en gran parte a lao demoras en poner en marcha el programa de trabajo en curso. Por consiguiente, el informe que sigue se presenta en dos partes; una que trata de las actividades antes del establecimiento de la sede en la región WECAF, lo que se puede considerar la etapa de organización del Proyecto; 1a otra, que se refiere a las actividades que comenzaron desde que el Proyecto se trasladó a la región el 1 de septiembre de 1977.
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    Book (series)
    WECAFC - Report of the second session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC). Panama, Panama, 22-26 May 1978. 1978
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    The present phase of the UNDP/FAO WECAF Project was initiated on 1 January 1977. It was preceded by a preparatory phase of 16 months which ended on 30 June 1976, during which time a number of studies basic to the programming of development activities in the region were carried out, notably "An Assessment of Crustacean Resources of the Western Central Atlantic and the Northern Southwest Atlantic", "A Review of the Fishery Resources in the Western Central Atlantic", "An Assessment of the Fish St ocks and Fisheries of the Campeche Bank", and "Fishery Training Needs in the Western Central Atlantic". These studies are available for the information of participants at this meeting. As you will recall, the UNDP became faced with rather serious financial difficulties in the first half of 1976, giving rise to a significant curtailment of UNDP funded activities. As a result, the implementation of the programme envisaged for Western Central Atlantic fisheries had to be postponed - the fir st phase of the Project ended on 30 June 1976 and the one now in course began only six months later.Because of the uncertainty prevailing in the first half of 1976 as to when the WECAF a-oject would become operational and, indeed, what funds would be available for the implementation of planned activities, many of the organizational requisites were left in abeyance, especially the selection of a Project Headquarters in the area and the recruitment of staff. In consequence, although the Project was declared operational when the Programme Leader was appointed on 1 January 19779 the stage was not yet set for the immediate initiation of field activities. These observations are made to give members of this Committee some of the background which in large measure served to retard the implementation of the programme of work now in progress. The descriptive account which follows is therefore given in two parts: one, dealing with activities prior to the establishment of the Project He adquarters in the WECAF area, what can be considered the organizational stage; the other, concerning activities initiated since the Project moved to the area on 1 September 1977.
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    Extension training of artisanal fishermen and other fisheries personnel in the WECAF region
    Inter-regional project for the development of fisheries in the western central Atlantic
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    The Interregional Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic (WECAF), which was initiated in March 1975, entered its second phase on 1 January 1977. Its objectives are to assist in ensuring the full rational utilization of the fishery resources in the Western Central Atlantic through the development of fisheries on under-exploited stocks and the promotion of appropriate management actions for stocks that are heavily exploited. Its activities are coordinated by the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) established by FAO in 1973. The Project is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as the Executing Agency. As in the initial phase, two series of documents will be prepared during the second phase of the Project to provide information on activities and/ or studies carried out. This document is the nineteenth of the series WECAF Reports. The other series of documents is entitled WECAF Studies.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    COPACO - Informe de la segunda reunión de la Comisión de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro-occidental (COPACO). Panamá, Panamá, 22-26 de mayo de 1978. 1978
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    La fase actual del Proyecto WECAF PNUD/FAO se inició el 1 de enero de 1977. FUe precedido por una fase preparatoria de 16 meses que terminó el 30 de junio de 1976,durante la cual se llevaron a cabo varios estudios básicos sobre la programación del Proyecto para el desarrollo en la región, especialmente "Evaluación de los recursos de crustáceos del Atlántico centro-occidental y de la parte norte del Atlántico sudoccidental", "Revisión de los recursos pesqueros del Atlántico centro-occidenta l", "Evaluación de las poblaciones de peces y pesquerías del Banco de Campeche" y "Requerimientos de formación pesquera en el Atlántico centro-occidental". Estos estudios están a disposición de los participantes de esta reunión.Como recordarán ustedes, el PNUD sufrió una crisis financiera de gran proporción en el primer semestre de 1976, lo que ocasionó una significante disminución en sus actividades.Como resultado, la realizaciÓn del programa contemplada para las pesquerías del Atlántic o centro-occidental tuvo que ser postergada - la primera fase del Proyecto se terminó el 30 de junio de 1976 y la segunda, actualmente en curso, comenzó solamente seis meses despuás.Debido a la ieeertidumbre que caracterizó el primer semestre de 1976 en cuanto a la fecha en que L. eegunda fase del proyecto podía realizarse y, verdaderamente, de qu4 fondos diepowerie 61 ?NUD para realizar las actividades contempladas, muchos requisitos para la organizaci6n del Proyecto y mi desempoíjo o portuno quedaron en suspenso, especialmente la selección de la sede en el área y el reclutamiento del personal. En consecuencia, a pesar de que el Proyecto fue declarado en marcha con el nombramiento de su director el 1 de enero de 1977, el trabajo en el campo no pudo actualizarse de inmediato.Estas observaciones se han hecho para poner a los miembros del Comit4 en conocimiento de los antecedentes que contribuyeron en gran parte a lao demoras en poner en marcha el programa de trabajo en curso. Por consiguiente, el informe que sigue se presenta en dos partes; una que trata de las actividades antes del establecimiento de la sede en la región WECAF, lo que se puede considerar la etapa de organización del Proyecto; 1a otra, que se refiere a las actividades que comenzaron desde que el Proyecto se trasladó a la región el 1 de septiembre de 1977.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    WECAFC - Report of the second session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC). Panama, Panama, 22-26 May 1978. 1978
    Also available in:

    The present phase of the UNDP/FAO WECAF Project was initiated on 1 January 1977. It was preceded by a preparatory phase of 16 months which ended on 30 June 1976, during which time a number of studies basic to the programming of development activities in the region were carried out, notably "An Assessment of Crustacean Resources of the Western Central Atlantic and the Northern Southwest Atlantic", "A Review of the Fishery Resources in the Western Central Atlantic", "An Assessment of the Fish St ocks and Fisheries of the Campeche Bank", and "Fishery Training Needs in the Western Central Atlantic". These studies are available for the information of participants at this meeting. As you will recall, the UNDP became faced with rather serious financial difficulties in the first half of 1976, giving rise to a significant curtailment of UNDP funded activities. As a result, the implementation of the programme envisaged for Western Central Atlantic fisheries had to be postponed - the fir st phase of the Project ended on 30 June 1976 and the one now in course began only six months later.Because of the uncertainty prevailing in the first half of 1976 as to when the WECAF a-oject would become operational and, indeed, what funds would be available for the implementation of planned activities, many of the organizational requisites were left in abeyance, especially the selection of a Project Headquarters in the area and the recruitment of staff. In consequence, although the Project was declared operational when the Programme Leader was appointed on 1 January 19779 the stage was not yet set for the immediate initiation of field activities. These observations are made to give members of this Committee some of the background which in large measure served to retard the implementation of the programme of work now in progress. The descriptive account which follows is therefore given in two parts: one, dealing with activities prior to the establishment of the Project He adquarters in the WECAF area, what can be considered the organizational stage; the other, concerning activities initiated since the Project moved to the area on 1 September 1977.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Extension training of artisanal fishermen and other fisheries personnel in the WECAF region
    Inter-regional project for the development of fisheries in the western central Atlantic
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    The Interregional Project for the Development of Fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic (WECAF), which was initiated in March 1975, entered its second phase on 1 January 1977. Its objectives are to assist in ensuring the full rational utilization of the fishery resources in the Western Central Atlantic through the development of fisheries on under-exploited stocks and the promotion of appropriate management actions for stocks that are heavily exploited. Its activities are coordinated by the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) established by FAO in 1973. The Project is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as the Executing Agency. As in the initial phase, two series of documents will be prepared during the second phase of the Project to provide information on activities and/ or studies carried out. This document is the nineteenth of the series WECAF Reports. The other series of documents is entitled WECAF Studies.

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