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ARC/20/3 - Hand-in-Hand for Enhanced Delivery and Impact: Strengthening Partnerships in the Framework of Mutual Accountability to Achieve Results on the 2025 African Union Malabo Commitments and Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2

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    Hand-In-Hand Initiative: Enhance Impact of Strategic Policy Frameworks for a Favourable Private Sector Environment to Transform Agriculture Sector - TCP/MOZ/3805 2024
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    In 2020, Mozambique had an estimated population of around 29.5 million, with two-thirds living in rural areas. The agricultural sector employed 75 percent of the population, highlighting the heavy reliance of Mozambicans on natural resource-based activities such as rainfed agriculture for their livelihoods. Fragmented, inefficient, and fragile food systems in Mozambique, compounded by susceptibility to various shocks and stressors like weather events, pandemics, and conflict, have led to an inability to adequately address the food and nutritional requirements of the expanding population, thereby negatively affecting food security, nutrition, and the overall economy. This challenge is exacerbated by the limited coping mechanisms and resilience capacity of affected communities, alongside pre-existing social and economic inequalities. The agribusiness sector's competitiveness is weakened by underlying factors, resulting in its potential being largely untapped and hindered by disorganized, informal, and inefficient value chains, inadequate farm investment, low production and productivity, and minimal value addition, necessitating support for the development of an inclusive and robust agribusiness sector.
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    South-South and Triangular Cooperation in FAO - Strengthening partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 2019
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    Sustainable Development calls for strengthened partnerships in the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including North–South, South–South, and triangular partnerships. The report South–South and Triangular Cooperation in FAO: Strengthening Partnerships to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals illustrates how South–South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) can be leveraged to enhance agricultural productivity and improve food security and nutrition in the developing world. It aims to deepen the understanding of the role and contribution of SSTC to agricultural development, food security, and nutrition. The report also offers practical lessons on how SSTC could be further strengthened and scaled-up in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda with the support of the United Nations system, multilateral organizations and other development partners.
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